
Astrophotography Datasets

Title Preview Link (click image to download data in a .zip folder) File Formats Description Type
Andromeda Galaxy .jpg and .fit Original light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Andromeda galaxy (Canon EOS 6D|Skywatcher 72ED no field flattener|March 2022). Image Data + Processed FITs
Orion Nebula .CR2 and .fit RAW light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Orion nebula (Canon EOS 40Da|Skywatcher 72ED no field flattener|March 2022). RAW Data + Processed FITs
Whirlpool Galaxy .CR2 and .fit RAW light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Whirlpool galaxy (Canon EOS 6D|Skywatcher N200/1000|March 2022). RAW Data + Processed FITs
Leo Triplett .CR2 and .fit RAW light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Leo Triplett (Canon EOS 6D|Skywatcher N200/1000|March 2022). RAW Data + Processed FITs
Pleiades .CR2 and .fit RAW light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Pleiades (Canon EOS 40Da|Skywatcher 72ED no field flattener|March 2022). RAW Data + Processed FITs
Rosette Nebula .CR2 and .fit RAW light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Rosette Nebula (Canon EOS 40Da|Skywatcher 72ED no field flattener|March 2022). RAW Data + Processed FITs
Horsehead Nebula .CR2 and .fit RAW light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Horsehead Nebula (Canon EOS 40Da|Skywatcher 72ED no field flattener|March 2022). RAW Data + Processed FITs
Jellyfish Nebula .CR2 and .fit RAW light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Jellyfish Nebula, a Supernova Remnant (Canon EOS 40Da|Skywatcher 72ED no field flattener|March 2022). RAW Data + Processed FITs
Heart Nebula .CR2 and .fit RAW light, darks, flats and bias frames as well as FITS of the Heart nebula (Canon EOS 40Da|Skywatcher 72ED no field flattener|March 2022). RAW Data + Processed FITs

Experimental Datasets

Title Preview Link (click image to download data in a .zip folder) File Formats Description Type
Muon Lifetime Scintillator Data .Spe and .Chn RAW Data from the scintillator setup used to measure and compute the mean lifetime of atmospheric muons. Also contains data and plots for the signal delay as characterized by a oscilloscope. Data + Plots
Germanium Semiconductor Detector Data .Spe RAW Data from a Germanium detector used to measure the radioactivity of different radioisotopes. Data + Plots
Fourier Optics Holograms .jpg Holograms created from a coherent laser beam with a spatial light modulator and captured using a photosensor at the end of the optical path. Images
Scanning Electron Microscope Data .tif, .xlsx, .jpg, .txt and .raw Images and X-Ray spectroscopical data of microscopic, self forming crystal islands captured using a Zeiss Scanning Electron Microscope. Images + Data