Spectral Measurements with Star Analyzer on 25.2.2021

Using a Star Analyzer Diffraction Grating between the telescope optics and imaging sensor of the Hubble Pi camera, one can dissect the spectral components of the light coming from stars to analyze their composition and metallicity. In the case of the image above, the spectra of Rigel was captured with a 200/1000mm Newton and a Canon EOS 6D with the filter mounted straight above the sensor.
Due to the faint amounts of light coming from most stars, it is recommended to use as fast a scope as possible paired to a sensor with large pixels/high sensitivity. In order to resolve the spectral absorption lines, it is also important to provide enough angular resolution to capture them, as too low a number will just drown them out.
Online Resources Update on 14.2.2021
Uploaded some video tutorials on high school level maths for the students I tutor at my part time job and also some presentations/physics related videos on topics that interest me. Will keep uploading more as time goes on and eventually document some projects in video format as well probably.
Also added a dynamic gallery for viewing and downloading high resolution astrophotography and photography files from my DSLR cameras.
Website Creation on 9.2.2021
After open sourcing my code and documentation as well as other publications on GitHub, I started looking into a way of hosting my work on my own website. After discovering that my university offered free server space to all its members of up to 50gb, I decided to write a simple website in HTML with some Java tools for more complex stuff like the astrophotography gallery and upload it here. :)