Fachschaft Mathematik HU Berlin

Getting Started for Winter Semester 2024/25

We, the maths student council, are happy to welcome you to the department of mathematics at Humboldt-Universität. For your convenience, we’ve gathered some links to pages that will help you prepare for you first semester.

Checklist for Freshmen

What? Why?
Register HU / CMS Account Account for any kind of communication (agnes, moodle, email)1
Campuscard (student ID) You need to print your student ID. Therefore you need a QR-Code, that you will find on Agnes. More Information and the location of the terminals, can be found here.
Join the moodle course Erstsemesterstudierende Mathematik WiSe 2024/25 Serves as an information hub and contains important details for starting your studies and the WarmUp.
Read the Erstibrief and Erstiheft (only in German) They contain general and useful information for starting your studies. The freshman booklet (Erstiheft) will be published here in due time.
Create your own time table on Agnes Read through the German study regulations to know which courses you need to take.
Join our WarmUp and the WarmUp moodle course (in German) Highly recommended.
Join our orientation events in German. To get to know other students.
Welcoming event of the
Institut for Mathematics
Both the institute, the student council (FSR), and the MSB will introduce themselves. Details can be found in the first semester Moodle course (see above).
Join our student trip The trip is for connection between students, doing our first homework together and having fun.
Join our Maths Discord-Server For connecting between students, but be aware it is in German.
Wifi Eduroam Set up your wifi connection. You can find help here
