Getting Started for Winter Semester 2024/25
We, the maths student council, are happy to welcome you to the department of mathematics at Humboldt-Universität. For your convenience, we’ve gathered some links to pages that will help you prepare for you first semester.
Checklist for Freshmen
What? | Why? |
Register HU / CMS Account | Account for any kind of communication (agnes, moodle, email)1 |
Campuscard(student ID) |
You need to print your student ID. Therefore you need a QR-Code, that you will find on Agnes. More Information and the location of the terminals, can be found here. |
Join the moodle course Erstsemesterstudierende Mathematik WiSe 2024/25 | Serves as an information hub and contains important details for starting your studies and the WarmUp. |
Read the Erstibrief and Erstiheft (only in German) | They contain general and useful information for starting your studies. The freshman booklet (Erstiheft) will be published here in due time. |
Create your own time table on Agnes | Read through the German study regulations to know which courses you need to take. |
Join our WarmUp and the WarmUp moodle course (in German) | Highly recommended. |
Join our orientation events in German. | To get to know other students. |
Welcoming event of the Institut for Mathematics |
Both the institute, the student council (FSR), and the MSB will introduce themselves. Details can be found in the first semester Moodle course (see above). |
Join our student trip | The trip is for connection between students, doing our first homework together and having fun. |
Join our Maths Discord-Server | For connecting between students, but be aware it is in German. |
Wifi Eduroam | Set up your wifi connection. You can find help here |