Fachschaft Mathematik HU Berlin


Here you will find a short introduction of the members of the student council 2021/22 including their roles and duties.

Katrin Gamnitzer

Katrin Gamnitzer
3./4. semester of mono bachelor studies mathematics

  • deputy accountant
  • calendar-updater
  • consultant hours mentor
  • fridge refiller
Lena Hellwig

Lena Hellwig
5./6. semester of mono bachelor studies mathematics

  • president
  • instagram-admin
  • Discord-admin
  • answerer of emails
  • student of trust

5./6. semester of mono bachelor studies mathematics

  • vice president
  • meeting preparer
  • answerer of emails
  • shopping list controller
  • STaMPF and FRIV
  • responsible of the Awareness-team
Mark Tratzki

Mark Tratzki
5./6. semester in combined bachelor studies math/ informatics

  • consultation hours mentor
  • fridge refiller
  • STaMPF and FRIV
  • police officer in the kitchen
Moses Mayer

Moses Mayer
5./6. semester in combined bachelor studies informatics/ math

  • accountant
  • Discord-admin
  • consultation hours mentor
  • Homepage-carer
William Morrin

William Morrin
3./4. semester of mono bachelor studies mathematics

  • calender-carer
  • fridge refiller
  • shopping list controller
  • responsible for the awareness-team
Bastian Hagen

Bastian Hagen
3./4. semester of mono bachelor studies mathematics

  • news-poster
  • consultation hours mentor
  • fridge refiller
  • answerer of emails
  • shopping list controller
  • Wiki-updater
  • police officer in the kitchen

External assistance

Nina Haase

Nina Haase
9./10. semester of mono bachelor studies IMP

  • consulation hours mentor
  • STaMPF and FRIV
  • student of trust
  • police officer in the kitchen
  • Game-evening coordinator