Psycholinguistics HU Berlin


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Psycholinguistics Colloquium WS 2024/25. The colloquium will take place Tuesdays, 18:15-19:45 pm, DOR 24, Room 3.103 and via HU-Zoom. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics with occasional outlooks into related areas. Schedule.

Previous terms:

Psycholinguistics Colloquium SS 2024. The colloquium will take place Tuesdays, 16:15-17:45 pm, DOR 24, Room 3.308 and via HU-Zoom for talks. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics. Schedule

Psycholinguistics Colloquium WS 2023/24. The colloquium will take place Mondays, 14:15-15:45 pm, DOR 24, Room 3.138 and via HU-Zoom for talks. Please see program for room change on January 15, 2024. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics. Schedule

Psycholinguistics Colloquium SS 2023.
The colloquium will take place Tuesdays, 08:30-10:00am, DOR 24, Room 3.103 and via HU-Zoom for talks. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics. Talk schedule
Psycholinguistics Colloquium WS 2022/23. The colloquium will take place Thursdays, 10:15-11:45am, DOR 24, Room 3.007 and via HU-Zoom for talks. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics. Talk schedule

Psycholinguistics Colloquium SS 2022. The colloquium will take place in DOR 24, Tuesdays, 16:15-17:45, DOR24, 3.103 and via HU-Zoom. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics. Talk schedule

Psycholinguistics Colloquium WS 2021/22, Thursdays, 14:15pm-15:45pm. The colloquium will take place digitally via HU-Zoom. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics. Talk schedule

Psycholinguistics Colloquium WS 2020/21, Thursdays, 10pm-12pm. The colloquium will take place digitally via HU-Zoom. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics. Talk schedule

Psycholinguistics Colloquium SS 2020, Wednesday dates, 14pm-16pm DOR 24, 3.138. The colloquium will take place digitally via HU-Zoom. The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics. Talk schedule

Psycholinguistics Colloquium WS 2019, Thursday dates, 10am-12pm DOR 24, 3.103
The colloquium has a focus on ongoing research in psycholinguistics.
Talk schedule.


  • For a list of current courses taught by Professor Knoeferle see here.

PhD, MA, and BA thesis topics

  • For a list of PhD / MA / BA thesis topics, see here

List of taught courses (past and present)
  • Lecture: Introduction to Psycholinguistics
  • Lecture: Pragmatics
  • Lecture: Second language acquisition
  • Seminar: Fokus und thematische Rollenzuweisung
  • Einführung in die Statistik mit SPSS (‘Introduction to statistics with SPSS’)
  • Einführung in die Statistik: Theoretische Grundlagen (‘Introduction to statistics: theoretical foundations’)
  • Multivariate Statistik mit SPSS (‘Multivariate statistics with SPSS’)
  • Project seminar. Eye tracking
  • Seminar: Sprache und Gesellschaft (‘Language and Society’)
  • Seminar: Mental representations in child language acquisition
  • Seminar: Kognitive Systeme - Usability im Sport
  • Seminar: Situiertes Sprachverstehen (‘Situated language processing’)
  • Seminar: Language and Cognition
  • Seminar: Verarbeitung von Sprache und Bildern im Werbekontext (‘Processing of language and pictures in advertisements’)
  • Seminar: Emotion, language, and cognition