This tool allows all members of the theoretical research groups in the research area "Elementary particles, Quantum Fields and the Universe" at the Institut of Physics, HU Berlin to obtain a preprint number of the form HU-EP-yy/nn. Please include this number on your preprints and in the arxive submissions. If the paper is (co)-authored by postdoctoral and doctoral members of the RTG 2575 you should tick the membership button in order to obtain a HU-EP-yy/nn-RTG preprint. All this is helpful for later reports.
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HU-EP-25/12-RTG, Performing integration-by-parts reductions using NeatIBP 1.1 + Kira [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-25/11-RTG, Worldline geometries for scattering amplitudes [hep-th]
HU-EP-25/10-RTG, Worldline geometries for scattering amplitudes [hep-th]
HU-EP-25/09-RTG, Spin-taste representation of minimally doubled fermions from first principles: Karsten-Wilczek fermions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-25/08, Integrated line defect correlators in Sp(N) SCFTs at strong coupling [hep-th]
HU-EP-25/07-RTG, Energy-momentum tensor in the 2d $O(3)$ non-linear sigma model on the lattice [hep-lat]
HU-EP-25/06-RTG, Error Scaling of Sea Quark Isospin-Breaking Effects [hep-lat]
HU-EP-25/05, Scale Setting and Strong Coupling Determination in the Gradient Flow Scheme for 2+1 Flavor Lattice QCD [hep-ph, hep-lat]
HU-EP-25/04, Exploring the anisotropic HISQ (aHISQ) action [hep-lat]
HU-EP-25/03, Strong coupling in (2+1+1)-flavor QCD [hep-ph, hep-lat]
HU-EP-25/02-RTG, The Double Copy of Maximal Supersymmetry in D=4 [hep-th]
HU-EP-25/01-RTG, Complete function space for planar two-loop six-particle scattering amplitudes [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-24/41-RTG, Distillation and position-space sampling for local multiquark interpolators [hep-lat]
HU-EP-24/40-RTG, Planar Six-Point Feynman Integrals for Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-24/39-RTG, Radiating Love: adiabatic tidal fluxes and modes up to next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtonian order [gr-qc]
HU-EP-24/38-RTG, An Analytic Computation of Three-Loop Five-Point Feynman Integrals [hep-ph]
HU-EP-24/37, Off-Shell Quantum Mechanics as Factorization Algebras on Intervals [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/36, Type-II backgrounds from deformed coset CFTs [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/35-RTG, The Dark Side of Double-Tensor Multiplets [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/34-RTG, Spinning bodies in general relativity from bosonic worldline oscillators [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/33-RTG, Gluing via Intersection Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/32-RTG, High-precision black hole scattering with Calabi-Yau manifolds [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/31, Integrated correlators with a Wilson line in a N=2 quiver gauge theory at strong coupling [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/30-RTG, The three-dimensional N = 2 superfishnet theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/29, New Integrable RG flows with Parafermions [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/28-RTG, Perturbative bootstrap of the Wilson-line defect CFT: Multipoint correlators [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/27-RTG, Perturbative bootstrap of the Wilson-line defect CFT:bulk-defect-defect correlators [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/26, Three Generations and Tripled Triality [hep-th, hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-24/25, Vertex operators for the kinematic algebra of Yang-Mills theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/24, Integrability of the $\lambda$-deformation of the PCM with spectators [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/23, Integrable deformations of the flat space sigma model [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/22-RTG, Supersymmetric brick wall diagrams and the dynamical fishnet [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/21, Integrated correlators in N = 2 SYM theories with fundamental flavors: a matrix-model perspective [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/20, Yang-Mills theory from the worldline [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/19, Dispersion relation from Lorentzian inversion in 1d CFT [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/18-RTG, All planar two-loop amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/17-RTG, An update on the supersphere non-linear sigma model on the lattice [hep-th, hep-lat]
HU-EP-24/16-RTG, Post-Minkowskian Theory Meets the Spinning Effective-One-Body Approach for Bound-Orbit Waveforms [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-24/15-RTG, A log story short: running contributions to radiative Higgs decays in the SMEFT [hep-ph]
HU-EP-24/14, The flavor invariants of the νSM [hep-ph]
HU-EP-24/13, Landscapes of integrable long-range spin chains [hep-th, other]
HU-EP-24/12-RTG, Double Copy of 3D Chern-Simons Theory and 6D Kodaira-Spencer Gravity [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/11, Integrated correlators at strong coupling in an orbifold of N=4 SYM [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/10, On exactly solvable Yang-Baxter models and enhanced symmetries [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/09, Aligning the SMEFT away from the SM masses: A Dipole Study [hep-ph]
HU-EP-24/08-RTG, Conservative Black Hole Scattering at Fifth Post-Minkowskian and First Self-Force Order [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/07-RTG, Post-Minkowskian Theory Meets the Spinning Effective-One-Body Approach for Two-Body Scattering [gr-qc]
HU-EP-24/06-RTG, In-medium static inter-quark potential on high resolution quenched lattices [hep-lat]
HU-EP-24/05, Small instanton-induced flavour invariants and the axion potential [hep-ph]
HU-EP-24/04-RTG, Field Redefinitions, Infinite Green's Functions and Infinite Field Anomalous Dimensions [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-24/03, Conformal invariants of curves via those for inscribed polygons with circular edges [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/02-RTG, Calabi-Yau in the Sky [hep-th]
HU-EP-24/01-RTG, Exploring the anisotropic HISQ (aHISQ) action [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/73-RTG, Two-loop N=1 SYM Amplitudes via SUSY Decomposition and Massive Spinor-Helicity [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/72, Nonperturbative Results for $b_g$ [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/71, A strategy for B-physics observables in the continuum limit [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/70, $m_B$ and $f_B^{(⋆)}$ in 2+1 flavour QCD from a combination of continuum limit static and relativistic results [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/69-RTG, Hutch++ and XTrace to Improve Stochastic Trace Estimation [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/68-RTG, Spin-taste structure of minimally doubled fermions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/67-RTG, Tree-level Scattering Amplitudes via Homotopy Transfer [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/66, An Algebraic Roadmap of Particle Theories, Part III: Intersections [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/65, An Algebraic Roadmap of Particle Theories, Part II: Theoretical checkpoints [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/64, An Algebraic Roadmap of Particle Theories, Part I: General construction [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/63-RTG, Tidal effects and renormalization at the fourth post-Minkowskian order [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/62, A matrix-model approach to integrated correlators in a N=2 SYM theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/61-RTG, Spin and Susceptibility Effects of Electromagnetic Self-Force in Effective Field Theory [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-23/60, Cubic and higher-order supergravity couplings for AdS vacua using Exceptional Field Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/59, Supersymmetric solutions of type-II supergravity from λ-deformations and zoom-in limits [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/58-RTG, Perturbative and non-perturbative analysis of defect correlators in AdS/CFT (PhD Thesis) [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/57, Supersymmetric backgrounds from λ-deformations [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/56-RTG, Correlators on the Wilson Line Defect CFT [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/55, Vacua scan of 5d, N=2 consistent truncations [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/54, Anomalous dimensions from the N = 4 SYM hexagon [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/53-RTG, Higher-derivative relations between scalars and gluons [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/52-RTG, Brick wall diagrams as a completely integrable system [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/51, Non-perturbative renormalisation and improvement of non-singlet tensor currents in $N_f=3$ QCD [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/50-RTG, Weakly Constrained Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/49-RTG, Gravity = Yang-Mills [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/48-RTG, Un-screened forces in Quark Gluon Plasma ? [hep-ph, hep-lat, other]
HU-EP-23/47-RTG, Dissipative scattering of spinning black holes at fourth post-Minkowskian order [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/46-RTG, On black hole singularity resolution in 2D string theory via duality invariant $\alpha'$ corrections [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/45-RTG, Gravitational Scattering of Compact Bodies from Worldline Quantum Field Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/44-RTG, Sequestered String Models imply Split Supersymmetry [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/43-RTG, Renormalizing Love: Tidal effects at the third post-Newtonian order [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-23/42, Y-algebroids and E_{7(7)} x R^+-generalised geometry [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/41, Regge spectroscopy of higher-twist states in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/40, [Review of Particle Physics] Status of Higgs Boson Physics [other]
HU-EP-23/39, Hilbert series for ALP EFTs [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/38, Towards a Muon Collider [other]
HU-EP-23/37, TF07 Snowmass Report: Theory of Collider Phenomena [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/36, Report of the Topical Group on Top quark physics and heavy flavor production for Snowmass 2021 [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/35, Global SMEFT Fits at Future Colliders [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/34, A Muon Collider Facility for Physics Discovery [other]
HU-EP-23/33, Lessons on interpretable machine learning from particle physics [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/32, The International Linear Collider: Report to Snowmass 2021 [other]
HU-EP-23/31, The physics case of a 3 TeV muon collider stage [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/30, Muon Collider Physics Summary [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/29, The Future Circular Collider: a Summary for the US 2021 Snowmass Process [other]
HU-EP-23/28, Off-shell Higgs Interpretations Task Force: Models and Effective Field Theories Subgroup Report [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/27, Truncation, validity, uncertainties [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/26, Breaking records at EPS-HEP [other]
HU-EP-23/25, Conceptual design report for the LUXE experiment [other]
HU-EP-23/24, Positivity bounds on Minimal Flavor Violation [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/23, Status of Higgs Boson Physics [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/22, Holography as Homotopy [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/21, ALPs, the on-shell way [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/20, The deformed Inozemtsev spin chain [hep-th, other]
HU-EP-23/19, A holographic RG flow from the squashed to the round S^7 [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/18, Adding fluxes to consistent truncations: IIB supergravity on AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3 x S^1 [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/17-RTG, Gauge Invariant Kinematic Algebra of Self-Dual Yang-Mills [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/16-RTG, Conservative scattering of spinning black holes at fourth post-Minkowskian order [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/15-RTG, Weakly constrained double field theory: the quartic theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/14, Improved Precision in Vh(->bb) via Boosted Decision Trees [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/13, Ground state energy of twisted AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 superstring and the TBA [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/12-RTG, B\pi excited-state contamination in lattice calculations of B-meson correlation functions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/11-RTG, Gauge theory on twist-noncommutative spaces [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/10-RTG, Line defect correlators in fermionic CFTs [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/09-RTG, Gravitoelectric dynamical tides at second post-Newtonian order [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-23/08, Is the Higgs Boson the Master of the Universe? [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/07-RTG, Surprises with $\alpha'$ corrections: black holes and cosmology [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/06-RTG, Non-linear non-renormalization theorems [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/05, Double excitations in the AdS(5)/CFT(4) integrable system and the Lagrange operator [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/04, A Quenched Exploration of Heavy Quark Moments and their Perturbative Expansion [hep-lat]
HU-EP-23/03-RTG, Quadratically noncommutative gauge theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-23/02, Determination of the top-quark mass from top-quark pair events with the matrix element method at next-to-leading order: Potential and prospects. [hep-ph]
HU-EP-23/01, Remarks on conformal invariants for piecewise smooth curves and Wilson loops [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/45, Classical double copy of spinning worldline quantum field theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/44-RTG, Tuning of QCD+QED simulations with C⋆ boundary conditions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/43-RTG, Nf=1+2+1 QCD+QED simulations with C⋆ boundary conditions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/42-RTG, Supersphere non-linear sigma model on the lattice [hep-th, hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/41-RTG, Gauge invariant double copy of Yang-Mills theory: the quartic theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/40, Higher-rank sectors in the hexagon formalism and marginal deformations [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/39, Opportunistic CPV [hep-ph]
HU-EP-22/38, Kaluza-Klein Spectrometry beyond Consistent Truncations: The Squashed S^7 [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/37, U-duality and alpha' corrections in three dimensions [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/36-RTG, Holography on the lattice: the string worldsheet perspective [hep-th, hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/35-RTG, Multipoint correlators on the supersymmetric Wilson line defect CFT II: Unprotected operators [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/34-RTG, Toward $\alpha'$-complete string cosmology [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/33-RTG, Gravitational Quadratic-in-Spin Hamiltonian at NNNLO in the post-Newtonian framework [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/32-RTG, Linear Response, Hamiltonian and Radiative Spinning Two-Body Dynamics [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/31-RTG, Estimating excited states contamination of $B \to \pi$ form factors using heavy meson chiral perturbation theory [hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/30-RTG, B\pi-state contamination in B-meson observables [hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/29-RTG, First results on QCD+QED with C* boundary conditions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/28-RTG, Gravitational Spin-Orbit Hamiltonian at NNNLO in the post-Newtonian framework [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/27, Revisiting Vh(-> b bbar} at the LHC and FCC-hh [hep-ph]
HU-EP-22/26, Celestial holography on Kerr-Schild backgrounds [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/25, Marginally deformed Schrodinger/dipole CFT correspondence [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/24-RTG, All things retarded: Radiation-reaction in Worldline Quantum Field Theory [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-22/23, Consistent truncations to 3-dimensional supergravity [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/22, The shift-invariant orders of an ALP [hep-ph]
HU-EP-22/21, Supersymmetric action for (4,0) supergravity [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/20, Binary Dynamics from Worldline QFT for Scalar-QED [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/19-RTG, Static Energy in (2+1+1)-Flavor Lattice QCD: Scale Setting and Charm Effects [hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/18-RTG, A dispersion relation for defect CFT [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/17-RTG, Cosmological Perturbations in Double Field Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/16, Violation of custodial symmetry from W-boson mass measurements [hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-22/15, Periodic solutions of the non-chiral intermediate Heisenberg ferromagnet equation described by elliptic spin Calogero-Moser dynamics [other]
HU-EP-22/14-RTG, Notes on n-point Witten diagrams in AdS$_2$ [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/13, The SAGEX Review on Scattering Amplitudes, Chapter 11: Soft Theorems and Celestial Amplitudes [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/12, Tilings and Twist at 1/N^4 [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/11-RTG, Topological properties of minimally doubled fermions in two space-time dimensions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/10, Do Drinfeld twists of AdS₅ ⨉ S⁵ survive light-cone quantization? [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/09, Coset space actions for nonrelativistic strings [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/08, Functions Beyond Multiple Polylogarithms for Precision Collider Physics [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/07-RTG, The Gauge Structure of Double Field Theory follows from Yang-Mills Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/06, The SAGEX Review on Scattering Amplitudes, Chapter 1: Modern Fundamentals [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/05, Phenomenology of t bart j + X production at the LHC [hep-ph]
HU-EP-22/04, Determination of $\alpha_s(m_Z)$ by the non-perturbative decoupling method [hep-lat]
HU-EP-22/03-RTG, Conservative and radiative dynamics of spinning bodies at third post-Minkowskian order using worldline quantum field theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/02, Romans massive QP manifolds [hep-th]
HU-EP-22/01-RTG, Lattice perturbation theory for the null cusp string [hep-th, hep-lat]
HU-EP-21/59-RTG, The seeds of EFT double copy [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/58, Holographic Evidence for Non-Supersymmetric Conformal Manifolds [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/57-RTG, A first look at the function space for planar two-loop six-particle Feynman integrals [hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/56-RTG, Homological Quantum Mechanics [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/55-RTG, Lattice perturbation theory for the null cusp string [hep-th, hep-lat]
HU-EP-21/54, Yangian Ward Identities for Fishnet Four-Point Integrals [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/53-RTG, Multipoint correlators on the half-BPS Wilson line CFT [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/52, The higher-dimensional origin of five-dimensional ${\cal N}=2$ gauged supergravities [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/51, Combinatorial Solution of the Eclectic Spin Chain [hep-th, other]
HU-EP-21/50, Beyond Jarlskog: 699 invariants for CP violation in SMEFT [hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/49, Inclusive rates from smeared spectral functions in the two-dimensional O(3) non-linear σ-model [hep-lat]
HU-EP-21/48-RTG, Higgs probes of top quark contact interactions and their interplay with the Higgs self-coupling [hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-21/47, All-multiplicity amplitudes with four massive quarks and identical-helicity gluons [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/46, Interpreting machine learning with Shapley values [hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/45, The asymptotic approach to the continuum of lattice QCD spectral observables [hep-lat]
HU-EP-21/44-RTG, Duality invariant string beta functions at two-loop [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/43, Heptagon Functions and Seven-Gluon Amplitudes in Multi-Regge Kinematics [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/42, New Physics without bias: Charming Penguins and Lepton Universality Violation in $b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ decays [hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/41, The non-chiral intermediate Heisenberg ferromagnet equation [hep-th, other]
HU-EP-21/40, A note on improved stochastic trace estimation for fermionic string fluctuations [hep-lat, other]
HU-EP-21/39, Nucleon-pion-state contamination in lattice computations of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors [hep-lat]
HU-EP-21/38, Constraining anomalous Higgs boson couplings to virtual photons [hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/37, Irrelevant Deformations with Boundaries and Defects [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/36, Massive Integrability: From Fishnet Theories to Feynman Graphs and Back [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/35, Classical string solutions in Non-Relativistic AdS5xS5: Closed and Twisted sectors [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/34-RTG, Lina Alasfa, Ramona Gröber, Christophe Grojean, Ayan Paul, Zhuoni Qian [hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-21/33, Socioeconomic disparities and COVID-19: the causal connections [other]
HU-EP-21/32-RTG, Static quark anti-quark interactions at non-zero temperature from lattice QCD [hep-ph, hep-lat, other]
HU-EP-21/31, Classical Double Copy of Worldline Quantum Field Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/30, Kerr–Schild perturbations of coset CFTs as scale invariant integrable $\sigma$-models [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/29-RTG, Bootstrapping holographic defect correlators in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/28-RTG, SUSY in the Sky with Gravitons [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/27-RTG, Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/26-RTG, An update on QCD+QED simulations with C* boundary conditions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-21/25, Geodesics From Classical Double Copy [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/24, QFT with Stubs [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/23-RTG, The bottomonium melting from screening correlators at high temperature [hep-ph, hep-lat]
HU-EP-21/22, Division algebraic symmetry breaking [hep-th, hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-21/21, One generation of standard model Weyl spinors as a single copy of R⊗C⊗H⊗O [hep-th, hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-21/20, A geometrical framework for amplitude recursions: bridging between trees and loops [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/19, On quantum deformations of AdS3xS3xT4 and mirror duality [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/18-RTG, Bottomonium production in heavy-ion collisions using quantum trajectories: Differential observables and momentum anisotropy [hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-21/17-RTG, QTRAJ 1.0: A Lindblad equation solver for heavy-quarkonium dynamics [hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-21/16-RTG, General String Cosmologies at Order $\alpha'{}^{\,3}$ [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/15-RTG, Gravitational Bremsstrahlung and Hidden Supersymmetry of Spinning Bodies [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-21/14-RTG, Renormalization and non-renormalization of scalar EFTs at higher orders [hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/13, BHLS2 Upgrade: Tau spectra, muon HVP and the [pi0, eta, eta'] System [hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/12, The Standard Model of particle physics as a conspiracy theory and the possible role of the Higgs boson in the evolution of the early universe [hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/11-RTG, Mellin amplitudes for 1d CFT [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/10, Next-to-MHV Yang-Mills kinematic algebra [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/09, Homotopy Transfer and Effective Field Theory II: Strings and Double Field Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/08, Global Properties of the Conformal Manifold for S-Fold Backgrounds [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/07-RTG, Beta functions for the duality-invariant sigma model I [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/06, Probing the CP structure of the top quark Yukawa coupling: Loop sensitivity vs. on-shell sensitivity [hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-21/05-RTG, Virtual Corrections to gg → ZH via a transverse momentum expansion [hep-th, hep-ph]
HU-EP-21/04, Nucleon-pion-state contamination in lattice calculations of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors [hep-lat]
HU-EP-21/03-RTG, Classical Gravitational Bremsstrahlung from a Worldline Quantum Field Theory [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-21/02, Light-Cone Gauge in Non-Relativistic AdS5xS5 String Theory [hep-th]
HU-EP-21/01, Integrable Bootstrap for AdS3/CFT three-point functions [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/46-RTG, A Puzzle Concerning String Dualities at Order $\alpha'^{\,3}$ [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/45, Consistent truncations around half-maximal AdS_5 vacua of 11-dimensional supergravity [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-20/44, Three-Body Effective Potential in General Relativity at 2PM and Resulting PN Contributions [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-20/43-RTG, Gauge Invariant Perturbation Theory via Homotopy Transfer [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/42, Emergence of universality in the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 [other]
HU-EP-20/41, Kaluza-Klein Spectroscopy for the Leigh-Strassler SCFT [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/40, Comment on gauge anomalies at dimension-six in the SMEFT [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/39-RTG, Strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators revisited [hep-ph, hep-lat]
HU-EP-20/38, Minkowski Box from Yangian Bootstrap [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/37, Simple and statistically sound strategies for analysing physical theories [hep-ph, other]
HU-EP-20/36-RTG, Bottomonium suppression in an open quantum system using the quantum trajectories method [hep-th, hep-ph, hep-lat, other]
HU-EP-20/35, The photonic Zh channel at the FCC-hh [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/34, Stable non-supersymmetric Anti-de Sitter vacua of massive IIA supergravity [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-20/33-RTG, Two-point correlator of chiral primary operators with a Wilson line defect in N = 4 SYM [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/32, The Anomalous Case of Axion EFTs and Massive Gauge Fields [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/31, Dimensional Expressivity Analysis of Parametric Quantum Circuits [other]
HU-EP-20/30, Lessons from the B+→K∗+μ+μ− angular analysis [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/29, Wilson loops for triangular contours with circular edges [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/28, Resurrecting bbh with kinematic shapes [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/27, Yangian Bootstrap for Massive Feynman Integrals [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/26-RTG, Jet transport coefficient $\hat{q}$ in (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD [hep-lat, other]
HU-EP-20/25, The Matrix Element Method as a tool for precision and accuracy [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/24, Kaluza-Klein Spectrometry from Exceptional Field Theory [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-20/23, Beyond COVID-19: Network science and sustainable exit strategies [other]
HU-EP-20/22-RTG, Classical black hole scattering from a worldline quantum field theory [hep-th, gr-qc]
HU-EP-20/21, Massive Fishnets [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/20, Socio-economic disparities and COVID-19 in USA [other]
HU-EP-20/19, Old Dualities and New Anomalies [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/18, ILC Study Questions for Snowmass 2021 [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/17, The twisted story of world-sheet scattering in η-deformed AdS₅ ⨉ S⁵ [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/16, On Estimation of Thermodynamic Observables in Lattice Field Theories with Deep Generative Models [hep-lat]
HU-EP-20/15, Measurement Error Mitigation in Quantum Computers Through Classical Bit-Flip Correction [other]
HU-EP-20/14, Two dialects for KZB equations: generating one-loop open-string integrals [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/13, The Dual Conformal Box Integral in Minkowski Space [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/12-RTG, B anomalies under the lens of electroweak precision [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/11, Massive Conformal Symmetry and Integrability for Feynman Integrals [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/10, Contact Tracing: a game of big numbers in the time of COVID-19 [other]
HU-EP-20/09, A New Precision Process at FCC-hh: the diphoton leptonic Wh channel [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/08, Finite-volume and thermal effects in the leading-HVP contribution to muonic (g−2) [hep-lat]
HU-EP-20/07, Lie Algebra Expansion and Integrability in Superstring Sigma-Models
HU-EP-20/06, N=4 super-Yang-Mills correlators without anticommuting variables [hep-th]
HU-EP-20/05, Critical properties of the valence-bond-solid transition in lattice quantum electrodynamics [other]
HU-EP-20/04, tba
HU-EP-20/03, Ising model as Wilson-Majorana Fermions [hep-lat]
HU-EP-20/02, New features in the JHU generator framework: constraining Higgs boson properties from on-shell and off-shell production [hep-ph]
HU-EP-20/01, On anomalous conformal Ward identities for Wilson loops on polygon-like contours with circular edges [hep-th]