Working Group Seminar - Mathematical Statistics - Prof. Dr. Markus Reiß

General information


Date Speaker Title
18.10.2024 Botond Tibor Szabo Scalable methods for Gaussian process regression (SFB-Colloquium, 10:15h-11:45h)
01.11.2024 Lothar Reichel A tensor bidiagonalization method for singular value decomposition of third order tensors (SFB-Colloquium, 10:15h-11:45h)
22.11.2024 Gregor Pasemann Estimation lower bounds for stochastic evolution equations observed under noise
29.11.2024 Mustafa Suman / Eric Ziebell Early Stopping for Classification Trees - A New Method That May Reignite the Pre- vs. Post-Pruning Debate / Approximating the pseudo-inverse using Tikhonov regularisation
06.12.2024 Shanshan Meng Supervised classification with separation condition in Gaussian functional models
13.12.2024 Janine Steck Convergence rates for the population version of the test statistics considering a multidimensional semi-martingale with drift
20.12.2024 Discussion
10.01.2025 Maximilian Graf / Janine Steck Active Clustering Through Entries / Convergence rates for the population version of the test statistics considering a multidimensional semi-martingale with drift
17.01.2025 Randolf Altmeyer A LAN expansion for SPDEs
24.01.2025 Sascha Gaudlitz Statistical problems in population genetics and the Fisher-KPP Equation with seed bank
31.01.2025 Nikolas Tapia Path signatures in statistics and Machine Learning
07.02.2025 Markus Reiß & Ratmir Miftachov Early stopping for regression trees
14.02.2025 Dennis Nieman Smoothness adaptation with variational Bayes
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