Working Group Seminar - Mathematical Statistics - Prof. Dr. Markus Reiß

General information


Date Speaker Title
19.04.2024 Organisational Meeting / Anton Tiepner Change interface estimation for a stochastic heat equation
03.05.2024 Markus Reiß Statistics for SPDEs
10.05.2024 Adam Perbost / Laura Hucker, Eric Ziebell, Ratmir Miftachov, Bernhard Stankewitz Infinite-Dimensional Diffusion Models / Advances in early stopping for iterative estimation procedures
17.05.2024 Kernel Methods in Generative Modeling (SFB-Colloquium with Gabriele Steidl, 10:15h-11:45h)
Thursday 23.05.2024 Laura Hucker / Andrea Fratini Introduction to implicit and explicit regularisation for gradient descent /Solving and Estimating Ambiguity-Adjusted Endogenous Markov Switching DSGE Models
31.05.2024 Thomas Stark Implicit vs. Explicit Regularization for High-Dimensional Prediction
07.06.2024 Sven Wang Social choice, voting and statistics: An introduction and outlook
14.06.2024 Anomalous Transport of Heterogeneous Population (SFB-Colloquium with Sergei Fedotov, 10:15h-11:45h)
21.06.2024 Fabian Telschow / Gregor Pasemann The Expected Number of Upcrossings over a Differentiable Function of a General Class of non-Gaussian Processes / Discretization of the Spectral Approach to Diffusivity Estimation
05.07.2024 Room 1.114 11-13 Sascha Gaudlitz, Adam Perbost, Markus Reiß
12.07.2024 Eric Ziebell
19.07.2024 (SFB-Colloquium with Edriss Titi, 10:15h-11:45h)
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