Joey Cross's homepage


This is Joey Cross here. Welcome to my personal homepage. It's still under construction.

I am an American living in Berlin with my wife Theresa and our three kids (Nora, Saoirse, and August), and am a scholar of the Hebrew Bible and an Egyptologist, trained at the University of Chicago. My current position is as a researcher on the European Research Council-funded project From Texts to Literature: Demotic Egyptian Papyri and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible (DEMBIB) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Here you can find more about my research, my publications, and my teaching. The news follows.

For more about me, see:

Contact info at bottom of page. See ya!

Side note: Yes, this is my current homepage; yes, it looks like it is 30 years old. Why do I use a website like this, and not something flashy with my own domain? It's because I work at a university that gives you webspace with a url using this: "~," like it used to be for all academics in the 90's (more here). This probably won't be the case for me the rest of my academic career (assuming geht's weiter).

-JC (May 24th, 2024)


Joseph Cross, PhD
Researcher/Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
ERC Advanced Grant project From Texts to Literature:
Demotic Egyptian Papyri and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible" (DEMBIB)

Seminar für Altes Testament
Theologische Fakultät
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Raum: Burgstr. 26, #429
email: joseph.cross at ; cross.joey at

2023, 2024