Prof. Dr. med. Daniel C. Baumgart


Medizinische Klinik m.S. Hepatologie und Gastroenterologie
Charité - Campus Virchow Klinikum
Medizinische Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
13344 Berlin



Prof. Dr. med. Daniel C. Baumgart, MBA hat in Berlin, Basel und Würzburg Medizin studiert. Seine klinische und wissenschaftliche Ausbildung erhielt er als Stipendiat des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) im International Faculty Development Program an der University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, dem National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), der National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA sowie an der Charité.
Er ist Professor für Innere Medizin an der Charité und war bis 2017 Geschäftsführender Oberarzt der Medizinischen Klinik mit Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie, Endokrinologie und Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Leiter des interdisziplinären Forschungs- und Behandlungszentrum für entzündliche Darmerkrankungen am Virchow Klinikum sowie gewählter Fellow des Berliner Institutes für Gesundheitsforschung (BIH) gefördert von der StiftungCharité tätig. Seit 2023 leitet er die Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie, Infektiologie und Rheumatologie am Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann.
Seit 2017 ist er auch Professor für Innere Medizin an der University of Alberta in Edmonton, Kanada. Von 2017 bis 2022 hat er die dortige Universitätsklinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie geleitet. Unter seiner Führung erreichte die Klinik in der Bewertung der Best Global Universities durch  U.S. News & World Report Platz 1 der gesamten Universität, Platz 2 in Kanada und Platz 28 weltweit. Er war auch Gastprofessor an der Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA und Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.
Sein klinischer Interessenschwerpunkt liegt in der Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer diagnostischer und therapeutischer Strategien für Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa einschließlich neuer Methoden für die optische Detektion zur Visualisierung von Inflammation, Mukosaschädigung und epithelialer Restitution sowie bildgeführter Intervention, die er 2021 in einem New England Journal of Medicine Artikel beschreibt. In einem Nature Scientific Report untersucht seine Arbeitsgruppe wie gut verschiedene Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Architekturen, angewendet auf den aktuell größten Multi-Class Digestive Image und Video Datensatz, Colitis ulcerosa diagnostizieren und deren Entzündungsaktivität bewerten. Er hat mehr als 200 Phase I bis IV klinische Studien geleitet und ist Co-Principal Investigator im Inflammation, Microbiome & Alimentation, Gastro-Intestinal & Neuropsychiatric Effects Specific Patient Oriented Research IMAGINE-SPOR Netzwerk gefördert von den  Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Als Vorreiter der Digitalisierung, Adjunct Professor of Computing Science, Faculty of Science, Department of Computing Science der University of Alberta, Gründungsmitglied der University of Alberta Precision Health Signature Area und AI4Society Signature Area engagiert er sich seit mehr als 15 Jahren für Digitale Medizin, Digitales Gesundheitswesen und den Einsatz künstlicher Intelligenz mit dem ultimativen Ziel personalisierte Präzisionsmedizin und individuell gezielte Therapien ans Krankenbett zu bringen. In einem Nature Digital Medicine Artikel berichtet er, wie Kanadas größtes voll integrierte digitales Gesundheitssystem in Alberta bei der Pandemie Bewältigung im Vorteil ist und wie die Pandemie digitale Innovationen in der Medizin und im Gesundheitswesen beschleunigt. Er leitet die Digestive Health Provincial Connect Care Working Group wo er u.a. auch das erste digitale Big Data Register aller Patienten mit entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen der Provinz Alberta aufgebaut hat. Desweiteren ist er Principal Investigator und Programmdirektor des in 2022 gestarteten internationalen Graduiertenkollegs (Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program) „From Data to Decision (FD2D) - Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence from Data Value Chain to Human Value“. FD2D vereint eine internationale Gruppe von Forschern und Entwicklern an 22 führenden akademischen Institutionen und Technologieunternehmen Nordamerika, Europa und Asien, die sich mit der Digitalen Transformation und Künstlichen Intelligenz Anwendungen in allen akademischen Disziplinen und industriellen Sektoren beschäftigen und deren Bedeutung für die Gesellschaft untersuchen. FD2D wird vom Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (Mitacs) und er University of Alberta gefördert. Seine Forschung zum Thema KI unterstütze Entscheidungsfindung, Diagnose und Bildinterpretation in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, dem Kule Institute of Advanced Study (KIAS), and Alberta Health Services Chief Medical Information Office wird vom Canadian Institute of Advanced Research (CIFAR), den Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), dem Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), der University Hospital Foundation und im Health Innovation Partnership Program von Alberta Innovates gefördert.
Er ist aktuell stellvertretender Herausgeber von Nature Digital Medicine und seit mehr als 15 Jahren ist er Mitherausgeber führender Fachzeitschriften wie The Lancet, Gut und Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Prof. Baumgart war Sekretär der World Gastroenterology Organization IBD Task Force, gewähltes Vorstandsmitglied des Kompetenznetzes Darmerkrankungen, ist Mitglied der Cochrane IBD Special Interest Group, der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft chronisch entzündliche Darmerkrankungen (DACED) in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS), der AI in IBD Working Group der European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO) und weiterer zahlreicher nationaler und internationaler Experten Gremien und Leitlinien Gruppen. Als Alumnus der BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt liegen ihm verantwortungsvolle kollegiale Führung und der wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs am Herzen und sein von der VolkswagenStiftung mit dem Offen für Außergewöhnliches Programm ausgezeichnetes und gefördertes, innovatives Konzept (Clinician Scientist)) zur integriert-strukturierten klinisch-wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung von Ärzten wurde von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) sowie dem Wissenschaftsrat (WR) als nationales Musterprogramm für die Hochschulmedizin definiert. 2013 wurde Prof. Baumgart zum Fellow des American College of Physicians (FACP), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2014 zum Fellow der American Gastroenterological Association (AGAF), Bethesda, MD, USA und 2017 zum Fellow des Royal College of Physicians (FRCP), London, UK, ernannt.

Klinische Interessenschwerpunkte

Chronisch-entzündliche Darmerkrankungen (CED, Morbus Crohn, Colitis ulcerosa, Colitis Crohn, Kolitis, Fisteln, Pouchitis, Enteritis regionalis, Ileitis terminalis). Zöliakie (Einheimische Sprue, Glutensensitive Enteropathie, Glutenintoleranz), Autoimmunenteropathie, Immunglobulinmangel, Immundefekte, Ernährungsmedizin, Kurzdarmsyndrom und Entzündungsmedizin.

Wissenschaftliche Interessenschwerpunkte

Mukosaimmunologie und Autoimmunität

Intestinale Barriere, Interaktion von atypischen (Epithelzellen) und professionellen antigenpräsentierenden (dendritische Zellen) Zellen mit mikrobiellen Antigenen des Mikrobioms, innate und adaptive Immunität

Personalisierte Therapien für chronisch entzündliche Darmerkrankungen (CED)

Immunmodulatoren, Immunsuppressiva, Immunstimulantien, monoklonale Antikörper, Biologika, Präbiotika, Probiotika, Antibiotika, Adhäsionesmolekül Blocker, Zellbasierte Immuntherapie, Antikörper gegen pro-inflammatorische Zytokine, Fusionsproteine, Prävention und Therapie von malignen Komplikationen

Optische Detektion und bildgeführte Intervention

Lasermikroskopie, konfokale Mikroskopie, konfokale Endoskopie, Endomikroskopie, Endozytoskopie, Ultraschall (Sonographie), Darmsonografie, 3D und kontrastverstärkte Abbildungs- und Interventionsverfahren, Elastographie

Digitale Innovation in der Biomedizinischen Forschung, Medizin und dem Gesundheitswesen 

Digital Health, Precision Medicine, Personalisierte Medizin, künstliche Inteeligenz, KI, AI, Decision Aupport, Digitalisierung, Digitale Transformation, Algorithmen, Neuronale Netzwerke, Natural Language Processing, Learning Health System

Mitgliedschaft in Fachgesellschaften

Ärztekammer Berlin
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)
AGA Institute Council: Immunology, Microbiology & Inflammatory Bowel Disease & Gastrointestinal Oncology
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE)
Canadian Medical Association (CMA)
College ogf Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS)
Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.
German Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group Board (GISG)
Kompetenznetz Darmerkrankungen und Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft chronisch entzündliche Darmerkrankungen (DACED)
European Crohn's and Colitis Organization (ECCO)
New Traditions Network (US Embassy and US Department of State)
Universities of the Future Project
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Alumni Organisation
Transatlantic Forum (Herbert Quandt Stiftung)
World Young Leaders Forum
Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)

Gutacherliche Tätigkeit

Editorial Boards

Editorial Consultant at The Lancet
Member, Editorial Board: Gut

Ad hoc Gutachter (peer reviewer) für:


Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
British Journal of Surgery
Biomed Central
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Deutsches Ärzteblatt (German Medical Weekly)
Digestive Surgery
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
Drugs of Today
European Journal of Pediatrics
European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics
Experimental Pharmacology
Future Drugs
Frontiers in Bioscience
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Human Immunology
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)
Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
New England Journal of Medicine
Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery
Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases
The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology
The American Journal of Gastroenterology
The American Journal of Physiology
The Journal of Immunology
The Journal of Clinical Investigation
The Lancet
The Lancet Infectious Diseases
The New England Journal of Medicine
Word Journal of Gastroenterology
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie

Institutionen und wissenschaftliche Stiftungen

Deutsche Forschungsgemeisnchaft (DFG)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Cochrane Library Special Interest Group Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Fonds de recherche du Québec / Queéec Research Funds, Canada
The Wellcome Trust, London, UK
The French National Research Agency / L'Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), Paris, France
Health Research Board (An Bord Taighde Sláinte), Dublin, Irland
AGA Institute Council: Immunology, Microbiology & Inflammatory Bowel Disease & Gastrointestinal Oncology, Bethesda, MD, USA
Ministry of Science and Technology, Jerusalem, Israel
Biomedical Research Council and Ministry of Health's National Medical Research Council of Singapore
The Eli and Edythe L. Broad Foundation for IBD Research, Los Angeles, CA, USA
ZonMW (The Netherland Organisation für Health Research and Development), Den Haag, Niederlande
FWF - Der Wissenschaftsfond, Wien, Österreich
Israelische Wissenschaftsstiftung (ISF), Jerusalem, Israel
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem, Israel
Academy of Finland (Suomen Akatemia, Terveyden tutkimuksen yksikkö), Helsiniki, Finland 
Uni-Med Science Publishers, Boston, MA, USA
Drug Safety Institute, Miami, FL, USA



1            Sutton RT, Chappell KD, Pincock D, Sadowski D, Baumgart DC, Kroeker KI. The Effect of an Electronic Medical Record-Based Clinical Decision Support System on Adherence to Clinical Protocols in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Care: Interrupted Time Series Study. JMIR Med Inform 2024;12:e55314.
2            Schmidt C, Stallmach A, Sturm A, Bachmann O, Helwig U, Koletzko S, Lynen P, Schnoy E, Dignass A, Kucharzik T, Blumenstein I. Update: Addendum to S3-Guidelines Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis: Management of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease with regard to COVID-19 (version 2.0). Z Gastroenterol 2024;62:517-34.
3            Murthy SK, Bernstein CN, Nguyen GC, Jairath V, Riddell R, Fergusson D. Interim Analysis of a Trial Evaluating the Utility of Non-Targeted Biopsies for Colorectal Neoplasia Detection in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024;22:1535-8.e2.
4            Kucharzik T, Dignass A, Atreya R, Bokemeyer B, Esters P, Herrlinger K, Kannengiesser K, Kienle P, Langhorst J, Lügering A, Schreiber S, Stallmach A, Stein J, Sturm A, Teich N, Siegmund B. [Not Available]. Z Gastroenterol 2024;62:769-858.
5            Halloran BP, Reeson M, Teshima C, Kroeker K, Huang V, Dieleman L, Holmes P, Baumgart DC, Wong K, Hoentjen F, Peerani F, Zepeda-Gomez S. Stricture dilation via balloon-assisted endoscopy in Crohn's disease: approach and intraprocedural outcomes with the single-balloon and double-balloon systems. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2024;17:17562848241230904.
6            Baumgart DC. An intriguing vision for transatlantic collaborative health data use and artificial intelligence development. NPJ Digit Med 2024;7:19.
7            Zepeda-Gomez S, Davila-Cervantes A, Montano-Loza AJ, Yang D, Baumgart DC, Kroeker K, Halloran BP. A novel smartphone application for the tracking of procedural numbers and trainee experience in gastrointestinal endoscopy. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2023;23:52.
8            Sutton RT, Zai Ane OR, Goebel R, Baumgart DC. Artificial intelligence enabled automated diagnosis and grading of ulcerative colitis endoscopy images. Sci Rep 2022;12:2748.
9            Seow CH, Coward S, Kroeker KI, Stach J, Devitt KS, Targownik LE, Nguyen GC, Ma C, deBruyn JC, Carroll MW, Peerani F, Baumgart DC, Ryan DJ, Veldhuyzen van Zanten S, Benchimol EI, Kaplan GG, Panaccione R. Declining Corticosteroid Use for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Across Alberta: A Population-Based Cohort Study. J Can Assoc Gastroenterol 2022;5:276-86.
10         Peerani F, Watt M, Ismond KP, Whitlock R, Ambrosio L, Hotte N, Mitchell N, Bailey RJ, Kroeker K, Dieleman LA, Siffledeen J, Lim A, Wong K, Halloran BP, Baumgart DC, Taylor L, Raman M, Madsen KL, Tandon P. A randomized controlled trial of a multicomponent online stress reduction intervention in inflammatory bowel disease. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2022;15:17562848221127238.
11         Loftus EV, Baumgart DC, Gecse K, Kinnucan JA, Connelly SB, Salese L, Su C, Kwok KK, Woolcott JC, Armuzzi A. Clostridium difficile Infection in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis Treated with Tofacitinib in the Ulcerative Colitis Program. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2022.
12         Kucharzik T, Atreya R, Bachmann O, Baumgart DC, Daebritz J, Helwig U, Janschek J, Kienle P, Langhorst J, Mudter J, Schmidt C, Schreyer AG, Vieth M, Wessling J, Maaser C. [Position paper on reporting of intestinal ultrasound findings in patients with inflammatory bowel disease]. Z Gastroenterol 2022;60:978-90.
13         Johnson AM, Barsky M, Ahmed W, Zullow S, Galati J, Jairath V, Narula N, Peerani F, Click BH, Coburn ES, Dang TT, Gold S, Agrawal M, Garg R, Aggarwal M, Mohammad D, Halloran B, Kochhar GS, Todorowski H, Ud Din NM, Izanec J, Teeple A, Gasink C, Muser E, Ding Z, Swaminath A, Lakhani K, Hogan D, Datta S, Ungaro RC, Boland BS, Bohm M, Fischer M, Sagi S, Afzali A, Ullman T, Lawlor G, Baumgart DC, Chang S, Hudesman D, Lukin D, Scherl EJ, Colombel JF, Sands BE, Siegel CA, Regueiro M, Sandborn WJ, Bruining D, Kane S, Loftus EV, Jr., Dulai PS. The Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Ustekinumab in the Treatment of Crohn's Disease: Results from the SUCCESS Consortium. Am J Gastroenterol 2022.
14         Abraham BP, Ott E, Busse C, Murphy C, Miller L, Baumgart DC, Scherl E, Gasink C. Ustekinumab Exposure in Pregnant Women From Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinical Trials: Pregnancy Outcomes Through Up To 5 Years in Crohn's Disease and 2 Years in Ulcerative Colitis. Crohns Colitis 360 2022;4:otac025.
15         Winthrop KL, Loftus EV, Baumgart DC, Reinisch W, Nduaka CI, Lawendy N, Chan G, Mundayat R, Friedman GS, Salese L, Thorpe AJ, Su C. Tofacitinib for the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis: Analysis of Infection Rates from the Ulcerative Colitis Clinical Programme. J Crohns Colitis 2021;15:914-29.
16         Schmidt C, Bachmann O, Baumgart DC, Goetz M, Drvarov O, Kucharzik TF, Kuhbacher T, Langhorst J, Maul J, Mohl W, Mudter J, Repp M, Sturm A, Witzemann D, Atreya R. [Position paper on endoscopic reporting in IBD]. Z Gastroenterol 2021;59:1091-109.
17         Sandborn WJ, Feagan BG, D'Haens G, Wolf DC, Jovanovic I, Hanauer SB, Ghosh S, Petersen A, Hua SY, Lee JH, Charles L, Chitkara D, Usiskin K, Colombel JF, Laine L, Danese S, True North Study G. Ozanimod as Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis. N Engl J Med 2021;385:1280-91.
18         Julsgaard M, Baumgart DC, Baunwall SMD, Hansen MM, Grosen A, Bibby BM, Uldbjerg N, Kjeldsen J, Sorensen HG, Larsen L, Wildt S, Weimers P, Haderslev KV, Vind I, Svenningsen L, Brynskov J, Lyhne S, Vestergaard T, Hvas CL, Kelsen J, Group NS. Vedolizumab clearance in neonates, susceptibility to infections and developmental milestones: a prospective multicentre population-based cohort study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2021;54:1320-9.
19         Baumgart DC, Le Berre C. Newer Biologic and Small-Molecule Therapies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. N Engl J Med 2021;385:1302-15.
20         Balram B, Joshi H, Wong K, Kroeker KI, Dieleman LA, Halloran BP, Baumgart DC, Peerani F. Concomitant 5-Aminosalicylate Therapy in Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis Patients Escalated to Infliximab Is Not Beneficial. Dig Dis Sci 2021;66:3985-92.
21         Sutton RT, Pincock D, Baumgart DC, Sadowski DC, Fedorak RN, Kroeker KI. An overview of clinical decision support systems: benefits, risks, and strategies for success. NPJ Digit Med 2020;3:17.
22         Moens A, van der Woude CJ, Julsgaard M, Humblet E, Sheridan J, Baumgart DC, Gilletta De Saint-Joseph C, Nancey S, Rahier JF, Bossuyt P, Cremer A, Dewit S, Eriksson C, Hoentjen F, Krause T, Louis E, Macken E, Milenkovic Z, Nijs J, Posen A, Van Hootegem A, Van Moerkercke W, Vermeire S, Bar-Gil Shitrit A, Ferrante M. Pregnancy outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease patients treated with vedolizumab, anti-TNF or conventional therapy: results of the European CONCEIVE study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2020;51:129-38.
23         Meng ZW, Baumgart DC. Darvadstrocel for the treatment of perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020;14:405-10.
24         Kucharzik T, Dignass AU, Atreya R, Bokemeyer B, Esters P, Herrlinger K, Kannengiesser K, Kienle P, Langhorst J, Lugering A, Schreiber S, Stallmach A, Stein J, Sturm A, Teich N, Siegmund B, Collaborators. [Not Available]. Z Gastroenterol 2020;58:e241-e326.
25         D'Amico F, Baumgart DC, Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. Diarrhea During COVID-19 Infection: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention, and Management. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020;18:1663-72.
26         Baumgart DC. Digital advantage in the COVID-19 response: perspective from Canada's largest integrated digitalized healthcare system. NPJ Digit Med 2020;3:114.
27         Sturm A, Maaser C, Calabrese E, Annese V, Fiorino G, Kucharzik T, Vavricka SR, Verstockt B, van Rheenen P, Tolan D, Taylor SA, Rimola J, Rieder F, Limdi JK, Laghi A, Krustins E, Kotze PG, Kopylov U, Katsanos K, Halligan S, Gordon H, Gonzalez Lama Y, Ellul P, Eliakim R, Castiglione F, Burisch J, Borralho Nunes P, Bettenworth D, Baumgart DC, Stoker J, European Cs, Colitis O, the European Society of G, Abdominal R. ECCO-ESGAR Guideline for Diagnostic Assessment in IBD Part 2: IBD scores and general principles and technical aspects. J Crohns Colitis 2019;13:273-84.
28         Schreiber S, Baumgart DC, Drenth JPH, Filip RS, Clayton LB, Hylands K, Repici A, Hassan C, Group DS. Colon cleansing efficacy and safety with 1 L NER1006 versus sodium picosulfate with magnesium citrate: a randomized phase 3 trial. Endoscopy 2019;51:73-84.
29         Sands BE, Sandborn WJ, Panaccione R, O'Brien CD, Zhang H, Johanns J, Adedokun OJ, Li K, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Van Assche G, Danese S, Targan S, Abreu MT, Hisamatsu T, Szapary P, Marano C, Group US. Ustekinumab as Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis. N Engl J Med 2019;381:1201-14.
30         Sands BE, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Loftus EV, Jr., Danese S, Colombel JF, Toruner M, Jonaitis L, Abhyankar B, Chen J, Rogers R, Lirio RA, Bornstein JD, Schreiber S, Group VS. Vedolizumab versus Adalimumab for Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis. N Engl J Med 2019;381:1215-26.
31         Repici A, Coron E, Sharma P, Spada C, Di Leo M, Noble CL, Gschossmann J, Bargallo Garcia A, Baumgart DC. Improved high-quality colon cleansing with 1L NER1006 versus 2L polyethylene glycol+ascorbate or oral sulfate solution. Dig Liver Dis 2019;51:1671-7.
32         Petruo VA, Krauss E, Kleist A, Hardt J, Hake K, Peirano J, Krause T, Ehehalt R, von Arnauld de la Perriere P, Buning J, Treml O, Krauss N, Albrecht H, Felten G, Hermannspahn U, Burkhardt U, Eisold M, Teich N, Siegmund B, Maaser C, Bokemeyer B, Baumgart DC, Neurath MF, Mudter J, German IBDSGKND. Perceived distress, personality characteristics, coping strategies and psychosocial impairments in a national German multicenter cohort of patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Z Gastroenterol 2019;57:473-83.
33         Maaser C, Sturm A, Vavricka SR, Kucharzik T, Fiorino G, Annese V, Calabrese E, Baumgart DC, Bettenworth D, Borralho Nunes P, Burisch J, Castiglione F, Eliakim R, Ellul P, Gonzalez-Lama Y, Gordon H, Halligan S, Katsanos K, Kopylov U, Kotze PG, Krustins E, Laghi A, Limdi JK, Rieder F, Rimola J, Taylor SA, Tolan D, van Rheenen P, Verstockt B, Stoker J, European Cs, Colitis O, the European Society of G, Abdominal R. ECCO-ESGAR Guideline for Diagnostic Assessment in IBD Part 1: Initial diagnosis, monitoring of known IBD, detection of complications. J Crohns Colitis 2019;13:144-64.
34         Kucharzik T, Dignass AU, Atreya R, Bokemeyer B, Esters P, Herrlinger K, Kannengiesser K, Kienle P, Langhorst J, Lugering A, Schreiber S, Stallmach A, Stein J, Sturm A, Teich N, Siegmund B, Collaborators. [August 2019 - AWMF-Registriernummer: 021-009]. Z Gastroenterol 2019;57:1321-405.
35         Ciccocioppo R, Baumgart DC, Dos Santos CC, Galipeau J, Klersy C, Orlando G. Perspectives of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy Gastrointestinal Scientific Committee on the Intravenous Use of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (PeMeGi). Cytotherapy 2019;21:824-39.
36         Baumgart DC, Misery L, Naeyaert S, Taylor PC. Biological Therapies in Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases: Can Biosimilars Reduce Access Inequities? Front Pharmacol 2019;10:279.
37         Authors, Collaborators. Updated S3-Guideline Ulcerative Colitis. German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS). Z Gastroenterol 2019;57:162-241.
38         Stein J, Haas JS, Ong SH, Borchert K, Hardt T, Lechat E, Nip K, Foerster D, Braun S, Baumgart DC. Oral versus intravenous iron therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and iron deficiency with and without anemia in Germany - a real-world evidence analysis. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res 2018;10:93-103.
39         Sowa M, Kolenda R, Baumgart DC, Pratschke J, Papp M, Tornai T, Suchanski J, Bogdanos DP, Mytilinaiou MG, Hammermann J, Laass MW, Conrad K, Schramm C, Franke A, Roggenbuck D, Schierack P. Mucosal Autoimmunity to Cell-Bound GP2 Isoforms Is a Sensitive Marker in PSC and Associated With the Clinical Phenotype. Front Immunol 2018;9:1959.
40         Peyrin-Biroulet L, Baumgart DC, Armuzzi A, Gionchetti P, Sebastian S, Danese S, Magro F, Higgins S, Yaworksy A, Banderas B, Kachroo S. Quality of Care in Ulcerative Colitis: A Modified Delphi Panel Approach. Dig Dis 2018;36:346-53.
41         Panes J, Garcia-Olmo D, Van Assche G, Colombel JF, Reinisch W, Baumgart DC, Dignass A, Nachury M, Ferrante M, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Grimaud JC, de la Portilla F, Goldin E, Richard MP, Diez MC, Tagarro I, Leselbaum A, Danese S, Collaborators ACSG. Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Stem Cell Therapy (Cx601) for Complex Perianal Fistulas in Patients With Crohn's Disease. Gastroenterology 2018;154:1334-42 e4.
42         Mogl MT, Baumgart DC, Fischer A, Pratschke J, Pascher A. Immunosuppression following liver transplantation and the course of inflammatory bowel disease - a case control study. Z Gastroenterol 2018;56:117-27.
43         Mahadevan U, Dubinsky MC, Su C, Lawendy N, Jones TV, Marren A, Zhang H, Graham D, Clowse MEB, Feldman SR, Baumgart DC. Outcomes of Pregnancies With Maternal/Paternal Exposure in the Tofacitinib Safety Databases for Ulcerative Colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2018;24:2494-500.
44         Kopylov U, Verstockt B, Biedermann L, Sebastian S, Pugliese D, Sonnenberg E, Steinhagen P, Arebi N, Ron Y, Kucharzik T, Roblin X, Ungar B, Shitrit AB, Ardizzone S, Molander P, Coletta M, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Bossuyt P, Avni-Biron I, Tsoukali E, Allocca M, Katsanos K, Raine T, Sipponen T, Fiorino G, Ben-Horin S, Eliakim R, Armuzzi A, Siegmund B, Baumgart DC, Kamperidis N, Maharshak N, Maaser C, Mantzaris G, Yanai H, Christodoulou DK, Dotan I, Ferrante M. Effectiveness and Safety of Vedolizumab in Anti-TNF-Naive Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease-A Multicenter Retrospective European Study. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2018;24:2442-51.
45         Julsgaard M, Kjeldsen J, Brock B, Baumgart DC. Letter: vedolizumab drug levels in cord and maternal blood in women with inflammatory bowel disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2018;48:386-8.
46         Julsgaard M, Kjeldsen J, Bibby BM, Brock B, Baumgart DC. Vedolizumab Concentrations in the Breast Milk of Nursing Mothers With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology 2018;154:752-4 e1.
47         Hudert CA, Tzschatzsch H, Guo J, Rudolph B, Blaker H, Loddenkemper C, Luck W, Muller HP, Baumgart DC, Hamm B, Braun J, Holzhutter HG, Wiegand S, Sack I. US Time-Harmonic Elastography: Detection of Liver Fibrosis in Adolescents with Extreme Obesity with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Radiology 2018;288:99-106.
48         Domenech E, Panes J, Hinojosa J, Annese V, Magro F, Sturniolo GC, Bossa F, Fernandez F, Gonzalez-Conde B, Garcia-Sanchez V, Dignass A, Herrera JM, Cabriada JL, Guardiola J, Vecchi M, Portela F, Ginard D, Ulcerosa ASGbtGEdTeEdCyC. Addition of Granulocyte/Monocyte Apheresis to Oral Prednisone for Steroid-dependent Ulcerative Colitis: A Randomized Multicentre Clinical Trial. J Crohns Colitis 2018;12:687-94.
49         Dignass A, Akbar A, Baumgart DC, Bommelaer G, Bouguen G, Cadiot G, Gillessen A, Grimaud JC, Hart A, Hoque S, Makins R, Michiels C, Moreau J, Premchand P, Ramlow W, Schanz S, Subramanian S, von Tirpitz C, Bonaz B. Granulocyte/monocyte adsorptive apheresis for the treatment of therapy-refractory chronic active ulcerative colitis. Scand J Gastroenterol 2018;53:442-8.
50         D'Haens G, Vermeire S, Vogelsang H, Allez M, Desreumaux P, Van Gossum A, Sandborn WJ, Baumgart DC, Ransohoff RM, Comer GM, Ahmad A, Cataldi F, Cheng J, Clare R, Gorelick KJ, Kaminski A, Pradhan V, Rivers S, Sikpi MO, Zhang Y, Hassan-Zahraee M, Reinisch W, Stuve O. Effect of PF-00547659 on Central Nervous System Immune Surveillance and Circulating beta7+ T Cells in Crohn's Disease: Report of the TOSCA Study. J Crohns Colitis 2018;12:188-96.
51         Ciccocioppo R, Dos Santos CC, Baumgart DC, Cangemi GC, Cardinale V, Ciacci C, De Coppi P, Haldar D, Klersy C, Nostro MC, Ott M, Piemonti L, Tomei AA, Uygun B, Vetrano S, Orlando G. Proceedings of the signature series event of the international society for cellular therapy: "Advancements in cellular therapies and regenerative medicine in digestive diseases," London, United Kingdom, May 3, 2017. Cytotherapy 2018;20:461-76.
52         Authors, Collaborators. [Updated S3-Guideline Colitis ulcerosa. German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS) - AWMF Registry 021/009]. Z Gastroenterol 2018;56:1087-169.
53         Steinhagen PR, Baumgart DC. [Fundamentals of the microbiome]. Internist (Berl) 2017;58:429-34.
54         Kucharzik T, Wittig BM, Helwig U, Borner N, Rossler A, Rath S, Maaser C, group Ts. Use of Intestinal Ultrasound to Monitor Crohn's Disease Activity. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017;15:535-42 e2.
55         Julsgaard M, Kjeldsen J, Baumgart DC. Vedolizumab safety in pregnancy and newborn outcomes. Gut 2017;66:1866-7.
56         Baumgart DC, Wende I, Grittner U. Tablet computer enhanced training improves internal medicine exam performance. PLoS One 2017;12:e0172827.
57         Autenrieth DM, Baumgart DC. [Microbiome and Gut Inflammation]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2017;142:261-6.
58         Tew GW, Hackney JA, Gibbons D, Lamb CA, Luca D, Egen JG, Diehl L, Eastham Anderson J, Vermeire S, Mansfield JC, Feagan BG, Panes J, Baumgart DC, Schreiber S, Dotan I, Sandborn WJ, Kirby JA, Irving PM, De Hertogh G, Van Assche GA, Rutgeerts P, O'Byrne S, Hayday A, Keir ME. Association Between Response to Etrolizumab and Expression of Integrin alphaE and Granzyme A in Colon Biopsies of Patients With Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology 2016;150:477-87 e9.
59         Teich N, Mohl W, Bokemeyer B, Bundgens B, Buning J, Miehlke S, Huppe D, Maaser C, Klugmann T, Kruis W, Siegmund B, Helwig U, Weismuller J, Drabik A, Stallmach A, German IBDSG. Azathioprine-induced Acute Pancreatitis in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases--A Prospective Study on Incidence and Severity. J Crohns Colitis 2016;10:61-8.
60         Stallmach A, Langbein C, Atreya R, Bruns T, Dignass A, Ende K, Hampe J, Hartmann F, Neurath MF, Maul J, Preiss JC, Schmelz R, Siegmund B, Schulze H, Teich N, von Arnim U, Baumgart DC, Schmidt C. Vedolizumab provides clinical benefit over 1 year in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease - a prospective multicenter observational study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2016;44:1199-212.
61         Schmidt KJ, Muller N, Dignass A, Baumgart DC, Lehnert H, Stange EF, Herrlinger KR, Fellermann K, Buning J. Long-term Outcomes in Steroid-refractory Ulcerative Colitis Treated with Tacrolimus Alone or in Combination with Purine Analogues. J Crohns Colitis 2016;10:31-7.
62         Schmidt C, Ahmad T, Tulassay Z, Baumgart DC, Bokemeyer B, Howaldt S, Stallmach A, Buning C, Group AS. Ferric maltol therapy for iron deficiency anaemia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: long-term extension data from a Phase 3 study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2016;44:259-70.
63         Roggenbuck D, Reinhold D, Baumgart DC, Schierack P, Conrad K, Laass MW. Autoimmunity in Crohn's Disease-A Putative Stratification Factor of the Clinical Phenotype. Adv Clin Chem 2016;77:77-101.
64         Regueiro M, Feagan BG, Zou B, Johanns J, Blank MA, Chevrier M, Plevy S, Popp J, Cornillie FJ, Lukas M, Danese S, Gionchetti P, Hanauer SB, Reinisch W, Sandborn WJ, Sorrentino D, Rutgeerts P, Group PS. Infliximab Reduces Endoscopic, but Not Clinical, Recurrence of Crohn's Disease After Ileocolonic Resection. Gastroenterology 2016;150:1568-78.
65         Panes J, Garcia-Olmo D, Van Assche G, Colombel JF, Reinisch W, Baumgart DC, Dignass A, Nachury M, Ferrante M, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Grimaud JC, de la Portilla F, Goldin E, Richard MP, Leselbaum A, Danese S, Collaborators ACSG. Expanded allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (Cx601) for complex perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease: a phase 3 randomised, double-blind controlled trial. Lancet 2016;388:1281-90.
66         Feagan BG, Sandborn WJ, Gasink C, Jacobstein D, Lang Y, Friedman JR, Blank MA, Johanns J, Gao LL, Miao Y, Adedokun OJ, Sands BE, Hanauer SB, Vermeire S, Targan S, Ghosh S, de Villiers WJ, Colombel JF, Tulassay Z, Seidler U, Salzberg BA, Desreumaux P, Lee SD, Loftus EV, Jr., Dieleman LA, Katz S, Rutgeerts P, Group U-I-US. Ustekinumab as Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Crohn's Disease. N Engl J Med 2016;375:1946-60.
67         Dignass A, Akbar A, Hart A, Subramanian S, Bommelaer G, Baumgart DC, Grimaud JC, Cadiot G, Makins R, Hoque S, Bouguen G, Bonaz B. Safety and Efficacy of Granulocyte/Monocyte Apheresis in Steroid-Dependent Active Ulcerative Colitis with Insufficient Response or Intolerance to Immunosuppressants and/or Biologics [the ART Trial]: 12-week Interim Results. J Crohns Colitis 2016;10:812-20.
68         Baumgart DC, Wende I, Grittner U. Tablet computer-based multimedia enhanced medical training improves performance in gastroenterology and endoscopy board style exam compared with traditional medical education. Gut 2016;65:535-6.
69         Baumgart DC, le Claire M. The Expenditures for Academic Inpatient Care of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Are Almost Double Compared with Average Academic Gastroenterology and Hepatology Cases and Not Fully Recovered by Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) Proceeds. PLoS One 2016;11:e0147364.
70         Baumgart DC, Bokemeyer B, Drabik A, Stallmach A, Schreiber S, Vedolizumab Germany C. Vedolizumab induction therapy for inflammatory bowel disease in clinical practice--a nationwide consecutive German cohort study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2016;43:1090-102.
71         Krupka N, Baumgart DC. Designing biologic selectivity for inflammatory bowel disease--role of vedolizumab. Drug Des Devel Ther 2015;9:147-54.
72         Gasche C, Ahmad T, Tulassay Z, Baumgart DC, Bokemeyer B, Buning C, Howaldt S, Stallmach A, Group AS. Ferric maltol is effective in correcting iron deficiency anemia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: results from a phase-3 clinical trial program. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2015;21:579-88.
73         Baumgart DC, Muller HP, Grittner U, Metzke D, Fischer A, Guckelberger O, Pascher A, Sack I, Vieth M, Rudolph B. US-based Real-time Elastography for the Detection of Fibrotic Gut Tissue in Patients with Stricturing Crohn Disease. Radiology 2015;275:889-99.
74         Baumgart DC. [The human microbiome]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2015;140:1451-6.
75         Vermeire S, O'Byrne S, Keir M, Williams M, Lu TT, Mansfield JC, Lamb CA, Feagan BG, Panes J, Salas A, Baumgart DC, Schreiber S, Dotan I, Sandborn WJ, Tew GW, Luca D, Tang MT, Diehl L, Eastham-Anderson J, De Hertogh G, Perrier C, Egen JG, Kirby JA, van Assche G, Rutgeerts P. Etrolizumab as induction therapy for ulcerative colitis: a randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial. Lancet 2014;384:309-18.
76         Prager M, Durmus T, Buttner J, Molnar T, de Jong DJ, Drenth JP, Baumgart DC, Sturm A, Farkas K, Witt H, Buning C. Myosin IXb variants and their pivotal role in maintaining the intestinal barrier: a study in Crohn's disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 2014;49:1191-200.
77         Papanikolaou IS, van der Voort IR, Chopra SS, Seebauer CJ, Rump J, Papas MG, Triantafyllou K, Baumgart DC, Teichgraber UK, Wiedenmann B, Rosch T. MRI-guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage: feasibility study in a porcine model. Scand J Gastroenterol 2014;49:722-6.
78         Gerlach UA, Vrakas G, Reddy S, Baumgart DC, Neuhaus P, Friend PJ, Pascher A, Vaidya A. Chronic intestinal failure after Crohn disease: when to perform transplantation. JAMA Surg 2014;149:1060-6.
79         Fischer A, Gluth M, Weege F, Pape UF, Wiedenmann B, Baumgart DC, Theuring F. Glucocorticoids regulate barrier function and claudin expression in intestinal epithelial cells via MKP-1. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2014;306:G218-28.
80         Sandborn WJ, Feagan BG, Rutgeerts P, Hanauer S, Colombel JF, Sands BE, Lukas M, Fedorak RN, Lee S, Bressler B, Fox I, Rosario M, Sankoh S, Xu J, Stephens K, Milch C, Parikh A, Group GS. Vedolizumab as induction and maintenance therapy for Crohn's disease. N Engl J Med 2013;369:711-21.
81         Rutgeerts PJ, Fedorak RN, Hommes DW, Sturm A, Baumgart DC, Bressler B, Schreiber S, Mansfield JC, Williams M, Tang M, Visich J, Wei X, Keir M, Luca D, Danilenko D, Egen J, O'Byrne S. A randomised phase I study of etrolizumab (rhuMAb beta7) in moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. Gut 2013;62:1122-30.
82         Pohl H, Wrobel K, Bojarski C, Voderholzer W, Sonnenberg A, Rosch T, Baumgart DC. Risk factors in the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108:200-7.
83         Panes J, Bouhnik Y, Reinisch W, Stoker J, Taylor SA, Baumgart DC, Danese S, Halligan S, Marincek B, Matos C, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Rimola J, Rogler G, van Assche G, Ardizzone S, Ba-Ssalamah A, Bali MA, Bellini D, Biancone L, Castiglione F, Ehehalt R, Grassi R, Kucharzik T, Maccioni F, Maconi G, Magro F, Martin-Comin J, Morana G, Pendse D, Sebastian S, Signore A, Tolan D, Tielbeek JA, Weishaupt D, Wiarda B, Laghi A. Imaging techniques for assessment of inflammatory bowel disease: joint ECCO and ESGAR evidence-based consensus guidelines. J Crohns Colitis 2013;7:556-85.
84         Muller T, Beutler C, Pico AH, Otten M, Durr A, Al-Abadi H, Guckelberger O, Meyer Zum Buschenfelde D, Johrens K, Volkmann M, Lankisch T, Voigtlander T, Anders M, Shibolet O, Jefferson DM, Podolsky DK, Fischer A, Veltzke-Schlieker W, Adler A, Baumgart DC, Sturm A, Wiedenmann B, Schott E, Berg T. Increased T-helper 2 cytokines in bile from patients with IgG4-related cholangitis disrupt the tight junction-associated biliary epithelial cell barrier. Gastroenterology 2013;144:1116-28.
85         Kohnke T, Gomolka B, Bilal S, Zhou X, Sun Y, Rothe M, Baumgart DC, Weylandt KH. Acetylsalicylic Acid reduces the severity of dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis and increases the formation of anti-inflammatory lipid mediators. Biomed Res Int 2013;2013:748160.
86         Fischer A, Gluth M, Pape UF, Wiedenmann B, Theuring F, Baumgart DC. Adalimumab prevents barrier dysfunction and antagonizes distinct effects of TNF-alpha on tight junction proteins and signaling pathways in intestinal epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2013;304:G970-9.
87         Baumgart DC, Sandborn WJ. Erratum: Crohn's disease (The Lancet (2012) 380 (1590-605)). The Lancet 2013;381:204.
88         Thomas S, Baumgart DC. Targeting leukocyte migration and adhesion in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Inflammopharmacology 2012;20:1-18.
89         Prantera C, Lochs H, Grimaldi M, Danese S, Scribano ML, Gionchetti P, Retic Study G. Rifaximin-extended intestinal release induces remission in patients with moderately active Crohn's disease. Gastroenterology 2012;142:473-81 e4.
90         Prager M, Buttner J, Haas V, Baumgart DC, Sturm A, Zeitz M, Buning C. The JAK2 variant rs10758669 in Crohn's disease: altering the intestinal barrier as one mechanism of action. Int J Colorectal Dis 2012;27:565-73.
91         Pohl H, Tanczos BT, Rudolph B, Meining A, Khalifa AC, Rosch T, Baumgart DC. Probe-based confocal laser microscopy identifies criteria predictive of active celiac sprue. Dig Dis Sci 2012;57:451-7.
92         Ordas I, Eckmann L, Talamini M, Baumgart DC, Sandborn WJ. Ulcerative colitis. Lancet 2012;380:1606-19.
93         Louis E, Baumgart DC, Ghosh S, Gomollon F, Hanauer S, Hart A, Irving P. What changes in inflammatory bowel disease management can be implemented today? J Crohns Colitis 2012;6 Suppl 2:S260-7.
94         Buning C, Geissler N, Prager M, Sturm A, Baumgart DC, Buttner J, Buhner S, Haas V, Lochs H. Increased small intestinal permeability in ulcerative colitis: rather genetic than environmental and a risk factor for extensive disease? Inflamm Bowel Dis 2012;18:1932-9.
95         Baumgart DC, Sandborn WJ. Crohn's disease. Lancet 2012;380:1590-605.
96         Autenrieth DM, Baumgart DC. Toxic megacolon. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2012;18:584-91.
97         Agnelli G, George DJ, Kakkar AK, Fisher W, Lassen MR, Mismetti P, Mouret P, Chaudhari U, Lawson F, Turpie AG, Investigators S-O. Semuloparin for thromboprophylaxis in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer. N Engl J Med 2012;366:601-9.
98         Thomas S, Metzke D, Schmitz J, Dorffel Y, Baumgart DC. Anti-inflammatory effects of Saccharomyces boulardii mediated by myeloid dendritic cells from patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2011;301:G1083-92.
99         German IBDSG. [Adherence to the H1N1 vaccination recommendation in patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2011;136:939-43.
100       Eckardt AJ, Baumgart DC. Viral gastroenteritis in adults. Recent Pat Antiinfect Drug Discov 2011;6:54-63.
101       Baumgart DC, Metzke D, Guckelberger O, Pascher A, Grotzinger C, Przesdzing I, Dorffel Y, Schmitz J, Thomas S. Aberrant plasmacytoid dendritic cell distribution and function in patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Clin Exp Immunol 2011;166:46-54.
102       Baumgart DC, Grittner U, Steingraber A, Azzaro M, Philipp S. Frequency, phenotype, outcome, and therapeutic impact of skin reactions following initiation of adalimumab therapy: experience from a consecutive cohort of inflammatory bowel disease patients. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011;17:2512-20.
103       Baumgart DC, Bernstein CN, Abbas Z, Colombel JF, Day AS, D'Haens G, Dotan I, Goh KL, Hibi T, Kozarek RA, Quigley EM, Reinisch W, Sands BE, Sollano JD, Steinhart AH, Steinwurz F, Vatn MH, Yamamoto-Furusho JK. IBD Around the world: comparing the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment: proceedings of the World Digestive Health Day 2010--Inflammatory Bowel Disease Task Force meeting. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011;17:639-44.
104       Baumgart DC. Endoscopic surveillance in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: who needs what and when? Dig Dis 2011;29 Suppl 1:32-5.
105       Baumgart DC. Extended colonic release low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) not ready for use in ulcerative colitis. Evid Based Med 2011;16:71-2.
106       Baumgart DC. Smartphones in clinical practice, medical education, and research. Arch Intern Med 2011;171:1294-6.
107       Baumgart DC. Foreword. European Gastroenterology and Hepatology Review 2011;7:152-3.
108       Van Assche G, Dignass A, Reinisch W, van der Woude CJ, Sturm A, De Vos M, Guslandi M, Oldenburg B, Dotan I, Marteau P, Ardizzone A, Baumgart DC, D'Haens G, Gionchetti P, Portela F, Vucelic B, Soderholm J, Escher J, Koletzko S, Kolho KL, Lukas M, Mottet C, Tilg H, Vermeire S, Carbonnel F, Cole A, Novacek G, Reinshagen M, Tsianos E, Herrlinger K, Oldenburg B, Bouhnik Y, Kiesslich R, Stange E, Travis S, Lindsay J, European Cs, Colitis O. The second European evidence-based Consensus on the diagnosis and management of Crohn's disease: Special situations. J Crohns Colitis 2010;4:63-101.
109       Schirbel A, Reichert A, Roll S, Baumgart DC, Buning C, Wittig B, Wiedenmann B, Dignass A, Sturm A. Impact of pain on health-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. World J Gastroenterol 2010;16:3168-77.
110       Sandborn WJ, Colombel JF, Frankel M, Hommes D, Lowder JN, Mayer L, Plevy S, Stokkers P, Travis S, Van Assche G, Baumgart DC, Targan SR. Anti-CD3 antibody visilizumab is not effective in patients with intravenous corticosteroid-refractory ulcerative colitis. Gut 2010;59:1485-92.
111       Muller T, Baumgart DC. [Ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis: the more the better?]. Z Gastroenterol 2010;48:569-70.
112       Baumgart DC, Targan SR, Dignass AU, Mayer L, van Assche G, Hommes DW, Hanauer SB, Mahadevan U, Reinisch W, Plevy SE, Salzberg BA, Buchman AL, Mechkov GM, Krastev ZA, Lowder JN, Frankel MB, Sandborn WJ. Prospective randomized open-label multicenter phase I/II dose escalation trial of visilizumab (HuM291) in severe steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2010;16:620-9.
113       Baumgart DC. Veto on vedolizumab (MLN0002) for Crohn's disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2010;16:537-8.
114       Baumgart DC. CB-01-05-MMX, a novel oral controlled-release low molecular weight heparin for the potential treatment of ulcerative colitis. Curr Opin Investig Drugs 2010;11:571-6.
115       Baumgart DC. How many lives does an ulcerative colitis patient have? Lancet 2010;376:928.
116       Thomas S, Przesdzing I, Metzke D, Schmitz J, Radbruch A, Baumgart DC. Saccharomyces boulardii inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced activation of human dendritic cells and T cell proliferation. Clin Exp Immunol 2009;156:78-87.
117       Pohl H, Rosch T, Tanczos BT, Rudolph B, Schluns K, Baumgart DC. Endocytoscopy for the detection of microstructural features in adult patients with celiac sprue: a prospective, blinded endocytoscopy-conventional histology correlation study. Gastrointest Endosc 2009;70:933-41.
118       Hasper D, Schefold JC, Baumgart DC. Management of severe abdominal infections. Recent Pat Antiinfect Drug Discov 2009;4:57-65.
119       Habbel P, Weylandt KH, Lichopoj K, Nowak J, Purschke M, Wang JD, He CW, Baumgart DC, Kang JX. Docosahexaenoic acid suppresses arachidonic acid-induced proliferation of LS-174T human colon carcinoma cells. World J Gastroenterol 2009;15:1079-84.
120       Baumgart DC, Thomas S, Przesdzing I, Metzke D, Bielecki C, Lehmann SM, Lehnardt S, Dorffel Y, Sturm A, Scheffold A, Schmitz J, Radbruch A. Exaggerated inflammatory response of primary human myeloid dendritic cells to lipopolysaccharide in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Exp Immunol 2009;157:423-36.
121       Baumgart DC, Lowder JN, Targan SR, Sandborn WJ, Frankel MB. Transient cytokine-induced liver injury following administration of the humanized anti-CD3 antibody visilizumab (HuM291) in Crohn's disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2009;104:868-76.
122       Baumgart DC. The diagnosis and treatment of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009;106:123-33.
123       Paul F, Pfueller CF, Wuerfel JT, Egerer K, Tanczos B, Baumgart DC, Zipp F. Celiac antibodies in the diagnostic workup of white matter lesions. Neurology 2008;71:223-5.
124       Niesner U, Albrecht I, Janke M, Doebis C, Loddenkemper C, Lexberg MH, Eulenburg K, Kreher S, Koeck J, Baumgrass R, Bonhagen K, Kamradt T, Enghard P, Humrich JY, Rutz S, Schulze-Topphoff U, Aktas O, Bartfeld S, Radbruch H, Hegazy AN, Lohning M, Baumgart DC, Duchmann R, Rudwaleit M, Haupl T, Gitelman I, Krenn V, Gruen J, Sieper J, Zeitz M, Wiedenmann B, Zipp F, Hamann A, Janitz M, Scheffold A, Burmester GR, Chang HD, Radbruch A. Autoregulation of Th1-mediated inflammation by twist1. J Exp Med 2008;205:1889-901.
125       Icks A, Kruse J, Dragano N, Broecker-Preuss M, Slomiany U, Mann K, Jockel KH, Erbel R, Giani G, Moebus S, Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study Investigator G. Are symptoms of depression more common in diabetes? Results from the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. Diabet Med 2008;25:1330-6.
126       Buning C, Schmidt HH, Molnar T, Drenth JP, Fiedler T, Gentz E, Todorov T, Baumgart DC, Sturm A, Nagy F, Lonovics J, de Jong DJ, Landt O, Kage A, Nickel R, Buttner J, Lochs H, Witt H. No association of the CARD8 (TUCAN) c.30T>A (p.C10X) variant with Crohn's disease: a study in 3 independent European cohorts. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2008;14:332-7.
127       Berndt U, Philipsen L, Bartsch S, Wiedenmann B, Baumgart DC, Hammerle M, Sturm A. Systematic high-content proteomic analysis reveals substantial immunologic changes in colorectal cancer. Cancer Res 2008;68:880-8.
128       Baumgart DC, Macdonald JK, Feagan B. Tacrolimus (FK506) for induction of remission in refractory ulcerative colitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008:CD007216.
129       Baumgart DC. What's new in inflammatory bowel disease in 2008? World J Gastroenterol 2008;14:329-30.
130       Weylandt KH, Kang JX, Wiedenmann B, Baumgart DC. Lipoxins and resolvins in inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2007;13:797-9.
131       Schott E, Paul F, Wuerfel JT, Zipp F, Rudolph B, Wiedenmann B, Baumgart DC. Development of ulcerative colitis in a patient with multiple sclerosis following treatment with interferon beta 1a. World J Gastroenterol 2007;13:3638-40.
132       Buning C, Schmidt HH, Molnar T, De Jong DJ, Fiedler T, Buhner S, Sturm A, Baumgart DC, Nagy F, Lonovics J, Drenth JP, Landt O, Nickel R, Buttner J, Lochs H, Witt H. Heterozygosity for IL23R p.Arg381Gln confers a protective effect not only against Crohn's disease but also ulcerative colitis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2007;26:1025-33.
133       Buning C, Durmus T, Molnar T, de Jong DJ, Drenth JP, Fiedler T, Gentz E, Todorov T, Haas V, Buhner S, Sturm A, Baumgart DC, Nagy F, Lonovics J, Landt O, Kage A, Buning H, Nickel R, Buttner J, Lochs H, Schmidt HH, Witt H. A study in three European IBD cohorts confirms that the ATG16L1 c.898A>G (p.Thr300Ala) variant is a susceptibility factor for Crohn's disease. J Crohns Colitis 2007;1:70-6.
134       Baumgart DC, Sandborn WJ. Inflammatory bowel disease: clinical aspects and established and evolving therapies. Lancet 2007;369:1641-57.
135       Baumgart DC, Fischer A. Virchow's node. Lancet 2007;370:1568.
136       Baumgart DC, Carding SR. Inflammatory bowel disease: cause and immunobiology. Lancet 2007;369:1627-40.
137       Baumgart DC, Buning C, Geerdts L, Schmidt HH, Genschel J, Fiedler T, Gentz E, Molnar T, Nagy F, Lonovics J, Lochs H, Wiedenmann B, Nickel R, Witt H, Dignass A. The c.1-260C>T promoter variant of CD14 but not the c.896A>G (p.D299G) variant of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) genes is associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Digestion 2007;76:196-202.
138       Baumgart DC. Recognition and appropriate management of dysplasia-associated lesions or masses in inflammatory bowel disease--experience does matter. Gastrointest Endosc 2007;66:530-2.
139       Tanczos BT, Baumgart DC. [Infliximab for the management of pyoderma gangrenosum in inflammatory bowel disease: one for all?]. Z Gastroenterol 2006;44:609-10.
140       Grabig A, Paclik D, Guzy C, Dankof A, Baumgart DC, Erckenbrecht J, Raupach B, Sonnenborn U, Eckert J, Schumann RR, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU, Sturm A. Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917 ameliorates experimental colitis via toll-like receptor 2- and toll-like receptor 4-dependent pathways. Infect Immun 2006;74:4075-82.
141       Baumgart DCT, B.T., Dignass, A. Therapie chronisch-entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen mit Biologika und Immunmodulatoren. D Bay Int 2006;26:144-8.
142       Baumgart DC, Pintoffl JP, Sturm A, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. Tacrolimus is safe and effective in patients with severe steroid-refractory or steroid-dependent inflammatory bowel disease--a long-term follow-up. Am J Gastroenterol 2006;101:1048-56.
143       Andresen VB, D.C. Role of probiotics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: potential mechanisms and current clinical evidence. International Journal of Probiotics & Prebiotics 2006;1:11-8.
144       Sturm A, Rilling K, Baumgart DC, Gargas K, Abou-Ghazale T, Raupach B, Eckert J, Schumann RR, Enders C, Sonnenborn U, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 distinctively modulates T-cell cycling and expansion via toll-like receptor 2 signaling. Infect Immun 2005;73:1452-65.
145       Sturm A, Baumgart DC, d'Heureuse JH, Hotz A, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. CXCL8 modulates human intestinal epithelial cells through a CXCR1 dependent pathway. Cytokine 2005;29:42-8.
146       Baumgart DCV-S, W.; Wiedenmann, B. Successful recanalization of a completely obliterated esophageal stricture by using an endoscopic rendezvous maneuver. Gastrointest Endosc 2005;62:648.
147       Baumgart DCV-S, W.; Wiedenmann, B.; Hintze, R.E. Successful recanalization of a completely obliterated esophageal stricture by using an endoscopic rendezvous maneuver. Gastrointest Endosc 2005;61:473-5.
148       Baumgart DC, Vierziger K, Sturm A, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. Mesalamine promotes intestinal epithelial wound healing in vitro through a TGF-beta-independent mechanism. Scand J Gastroenterol 2005;40:958-64.
149       Baumgart DC, Sturm A, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. Uneventful pregnancy and neonatal outcome with tacrolimus in refractory ulcerative colitis. Gut 2005;54:1822-3.
150       Baumgart DC, Metzke D, Schmitz J, Scheffold A, Sturm A, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. Patients with active inflammatory bowel disease lack immature peripheral blood plasmacytoid and myeloid dendritic cells. Gut 2005;54:228-36.
151       Baumgart DC. Personal digital assistants in health care: experienced clinicians in the palm of your hand? Lancet 2005;366:1210-22.
152       Dignass AU, Baumgart DC, Sturm A. Review article: the aetiopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease--immunology and repair mechanisms. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2004;20 Suppl 4:9-17.
153       Cruickshank SM, McVay LD, Baumgart DC, Felsburg PJ, Carding SR. Colonic epithelial cell mediated suppression of CD4 T cell activation. Gut 2004;53:678-84.
154       Baumgart DC, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. Successful therapy of refractory pyoderma gangrenosum and periorbital phlegmona with tacrolimus (FK506) in ulcerative colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2004;10:421-4.
155       Baumgart DC, Dignass AU. Current biological therapies for inflammatory bowel disease. Curr Pharm Des 2004;10:4127-47.
156       Baumgart DC, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. Rescue therapy with tacrolimus is effective in patients with severe and refractory inflammatory bowel disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2003;17:1273-81.
157       Baumgart DC, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU. [Biologic therapy of inflammatory bowel disease]. Z Gastroenterol 2003;41:1017-32.
158       Baumgart DC, Gerl H. Photo quiz. Obesity and daytime sleepiness. Prader-Willi syndrome. Am Fam Physician 2003;68:151-2.
159       Baumgart DC, Dignass AU. [Tacrolimus (FK506) in refractory ulcerative colitis: an alternative to proctocolectomy?]. Z Gastroenterol 2003;41:478-9.
160       Baumgart DC, Dignass AU. [Mucosal dendritic cells: reaching out for the unknown (antigen)]. Z Gastroenterol 2002;40:375-7.
161       Baumgart DC, Dignass AU. Shingles following infliximab infusion. Ann Rheum Dis 2002;61:661.
162       Baumgart DC, Dignass AU. Intestinal barrier function. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2002;5:685-94.
163       Baumgart DC, Dignass AU. [Intestinal gene regulation by commensal microflora. Remote control from within?]. Z Gastroenterol 2001;39:815-7.
164       Telega GW, Baumgart DC, Carding SR. Uptake and presentation of antigen to T cells by primary colonic epithelial cells in normal and diseased states. Gastroenterology 2000;119:1548-59.
165       Macartney KK, Baumgart DC, Carding SR, Brubaker JO, Offit PA. Primary murine small intestinal epithelial cells, maintained in long-term culture, are susceptible to rotavirus infection. J Virol 2000;74:5597-603.
166       Contractor NV, Bassiri H, Reya T, Park AY, Baumgart DC, Wasik MA, Emerson SG, Carding SR. Lymphoid hyperplasia, autoimmunity, and compromised intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte development in colitis-free gnotobiotic IL-2-deficient mice. J Immunol 1998;160:385-94.
167       Baumgart DC, Ventz M, Wermke W. [18-year-old patient with hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, nephrocalcinosis and normal iPTH values. Primary hyperparathyroidism]. Internist (Berl) 1998;39:403-8.
168       Baumgart DC, Olivier WA, Reya T, Peritt D, Rombeau JL, Carding SR. Mechanisms of intestinal epithelial cell injury and colitis in interleukin 2 (IL2)-deficient mice. Cell Immunol 1998;187:52-66.
169       Baumgart DC, McVay LD, Carding SR. Mechanisms of immune cell-mediated tissue injury in inflammatory bowel disease (Review). Int J Mol Med 1998;1:315-32.
170       Baumgart DC, Gerl H, Dorner T. Complete heart block caused by primary Sjogren's syndrome and hypopituitarism. Ann Rheum Dis 1998;57:635.


Bücher und Buchbeiträge

DC Baumgart. Darstellung von Flußphänomenen bei Herzscheidewanddefekten mittels Fast-Field-Echo-Sequenz: methodisch-experimentelle Untersuchungen. Dissertation. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 1993.

DC Baumgart. Antigenpräsentation in der intestinalen Mukosa – Grundlage immunmodulatorischer Therapien bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Habilitationsschrift. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. 2004.

P Gross, DC Baumgart. Medical English. Thieme, Stuttgart-New York, 3. Auflage, 2002.

P Gross, DC Baumgart. Medical English. Thieme, Stuttgart-New York, 4. Auflage, 2003.

P Gross, DC Baumgart. Medical English. Thieme, Stuttgart-New York, 5. Auflage, 2006.

P Gross, DC Baumgart. Medical English. Thieme, Stuttgart-New York, 6. Auflage, 2018.

P Gross, DC Baumgart. Medical English. Thieme, Stuttgart-New York, 7. Auflage, 2020.

P Gross, DC Baumgart. Medical English. Ohmsha Publishers, Tokyo, 1. Japanische Auflage, 2007

P. Gross, DC Baumgart. Medical English (Anglais médical). Paris, Vigot-Maloine Publishers, 1. Französische Auflage, 2008

P. Gross, DC Baumgart. Medical English (Anglais médical). Paris, Vigot-Maloine Publishers, 2. Französische Auflage, 2009

DC Baumgart, B Wiedenmann. Dt. Ausgabe: Harrisons Innere Medizin, 15. Auflage, ABW, Berlin, 2002.
Kapitel 33: Dysphagie
Kapitel 34: Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Magenverstimmung
Kapitel 35: Diarrhöe und Obstipation
Kapitel 36: Gewichtsverlust
Kapitel 37: Gastrointestinale Blutung
Kapitel 38: Ikterus
Kapitel 39: Umfangszunahme des Abdomens und Aszites
Kapitel 93: Endokrine Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes und des Pankreas

DC Baumgart,B Wiedenmann. Dt. Ausgabe: Harrisons Innere Medizin, 16. Auflage, ABW, Berlin, 2005.
Kapitel 33: Dysphagie
Kapitel 34: Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Magenverstimmung
Kapitel 35: Diarrhöe und Obstipation
Kapitel 36: Gewichtsverlust
Kapitel 37: Gastrointestinale Blutung
Kapitel 38: Ikterus
Kapitel 39: Umfangszunahme des Abdomens und Aszites
Kapitel 93: Endokrine Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes und des Pankreas

DC Baumgart, B Wiedenmann. Dt. Ausgabe: Harrisons Innere Medizin, 17. Auflage, ABW, Berlin, 2008.
Kapitel 38: Dysphagie
Kapitel 34: Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Magenverstimmung
Kapitel 35: Diarrhöe und Obstipation
Kapitel 36: Gewichtsverlust
Kapitel 37: Gastrointestinale Blutung
Kapitel 38: Ikterus
Kapitel 39: Umfangszunahme des Abdomens und Aszites
Kapitel 344: Endokrine Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltraktes und des Pankreas

DC Baumgart, AU Dignass. Ätiopathogenese, Genetik und Umweltfaktoren. In: Biologische Therapie der chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Hrsg.: AU Dignass, Uni-Med Science Publishers, Bremen-Boston, 1. Auflage, 2004: 18-41.

DC Baumgart,AU Dignass. Mechanismen biologischer Therapien In: Biologische Therapie der chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Hrsg.: AU Dignass, Uni-Med Science Publishers, Bremen-Boston, 1. Auflage, 2004: 17-84.

DC Baumgart,AU Dignass. Mechanismen biologischer Therapien In: Biologische Therapie der chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Hrsg.: AU Dignass, Uni-Med Science Publishers, Bremen-Boston, 1. Auflage, 2004: 17-84.

DC Baumgart, H Schulze, AU Dignass. Biologische Therapie der chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Hrsg.: AU Dignass, Uni-Med Science Publishers, Bremen-Boston, 2. Auflage, 2010.

DC Baumgart. Biologic Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Uni-Med Science Publishers, Bremen-Boston, 1. Auflage, 2010.

DC Baumgart. Refractory ulcerative colitis: is surgery always indicated? In: Trends and Controversies in IBD: Evidence-Based Approach or Individual Management? Hrsg. Dignass AU, Lochs H, Stange EF. Springer Netherland, 1. Auflage, 2004.

DC Baumgart, B Wiedenmann. Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie: Erkrankungen des Dick- und Enddarms. In: Inmere Medizin - essentials. Hrsg. Lehnert H, Werdan K. Thieme, Stuttgart, 4. Auflage, 2005: 205-214.

DC Baumgart. Novel Therapies in IBD: T-cell modulating antibodies. In: Immunoregulation in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases - Current Understanding and Innovation. Hrsg. Dignass A, Rachmilewitz D, Stange EF, Weinstock JV. Springer, Berlin-New York, 1. Auflage, 2007: 194-201.

DC Baumgart, B Wiedenmann. Kurzdarmsyndrom und Dünndarmtransplantation. In: Innere Medizin. Hrsg. Classen M, Diehl V, Kochsiek K, Böhm B, Schmiegel W. Elsevier, München, 6. Auflage, 2009:

DC Baumgart. Dünndarmtransplantation. In: Praktische Gastroenterologie. Hrsg. Layer P, Rosien U. Urban & Fischer, 3. Auflage, 2008.

Keller J, DC Baumgart. Kurzdarmsyndrom. In: Praktische Gastroenterologie. Hrsg. Layer P, Rosien U. Urban & Fischer, 3. Auflage, 2008.

DC Baumgart, Rosien U. Gastroenterologische Komplikationen nach hämatopoetischer Stammzelltransplantation. In: Praktische Gastroenterologie. Hrsg. Layer P, Rosien U. Urban & Fischer, 3. Auflage 2008.

DC Baumgart. Dünndarmtransplantation. In: Praktische Gastroenterologie. Hrsg. Layer P, Rosien U. Urban & Fischer, 4. Auflage, 2011.

Keller J, DC Baumgart. Kurzdarmsyndrom. In: Praktische Gastroenterologie. Hrsg. Layer P, Rosien U. Urban & Fischer, 4. Auflage, 2011.

DC Baumgart, Rosien U. Gastroenterologische Komplikationen nach hämatopoetischer Stammzelltransplantation. In: Praktische Gastroenterologie. Hrsg. Layer P, Rosien U. Urban & Fischer, 4. Auflage 2011.

DC Baumgart. Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: From Epidemiology and Immunobiology to a Rational Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach. Springer, New York. 1. Auflage 2012.

Fischer A, Baumgart DC. Tacrolimus, Sirolimus and Mycophenolate Mofetil. In: Medical Therapy of Ulcerative Colitis. Ed. Lichtenstein G. Springer New York 1. Auflage 2015

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